SFM: Enemy Within 2 - UNATCO and Rogue Agent Victory

Crossed my mind too. Frost led loose some hints that Rogue Agent may not always be town’s enemy and since he can’t act now anyways with the bomb, I think it’s safe to leave it.

If he was not bombed, the real bomber would bomb someone to get them into a thunderdome with Marl, so we can truly assume Marl is bombed.

You townread Geyde? For what?


Have you felt a large contribution in the thread though regardless of all their “analysis”? There was an “ultimate” push on Marl that was quickly stopped and diverted to a person with like 10 posts or “low hanging fruit” as they (or we) say.

Geyde is here right when I’m going to bed RIP. Later.

Votes me, doesn’t explain why.
I don’t know whether Sam is even trying, but I haven’t seen him waste his vote before.
I’ve made us consider a big possibility about Marl. Due to this got Geyde to react and Braixen reacted off of it.
Everything there was due to my setup. :expressionless:
I think he’s either scum or low-effort Townie (In which I don’t think I’ve seen the later from him before)

The mechanics do work considering Illuminati can self-target with the bomb, passing it off to whoever visits them. Marl was using that point to describe why they were IC, so the hole in their ‘confirmation’ was found.

This part of your post reeks of confirmation bias, considering you don’t even know what Marl is. I pointed out a flaw in their argument, calling the bomb a play to secure towncred for Marl.

Why in the hell else would Marl get bombed despite being serious lynch material?

Going from the viewpoint that they were Illuminati Bomber, there were no other options.

Yes, I do concede the fact I was ahead of myself in that push. Hell, you didn’t even consider my point in the slightest.

It’s an emotionally charged response. Going from your words, Look guys, do you like the fancy read I made? I didn’t even read their post and the context before calling it a push for towncred

This post ignores any manner of context.

Read my first interaction with Gamer.

This point does NOT take into account context. My first vote was made following Gamer conceding their cautiousness then leaving the thread.

Sam and Ryan scum team.

Distancing from one another.
Sam votes PKR to seem suspicious. PKR then busses Sam and get town cred.


Contributing a scumlist isn’t a town-motivated play, especially considering the difficulty attributable with some of these making sense in context.

  1. Ragna
  2. Wazza
  3. Poisoned/Eevee
  4. Margaret
  5. Geyde (They are acting strange just throwing out ideas all over the place)
  1. Have you considered VI? It seems like an “easy mislynch”. Brax said it themselves in regards to themselves. This is too easy of a ML to pull off.
  2. Can somebody explain the vote here? I don’t get how scumreads are gotten out of this.
  3. This is bad. This is a horrible person to SR when they’ve been making an active effort to contribute at points.
  4. Take a macro read, young Skywalker.



Addendum: I’d wait for associative reads before determining Waz.

Solic asked me for it (be-sides Poisoned)

Why do you scumread each of them?

It wasnt obvious…?

As long as the wincon isnt fake, RA can win with any faction as long as they are the ONLY faction other than RA alive

Fill me in a bit. Am I missing something?

Nvm found it.

THIS is what I was talking about

Doesn’t mean that the RA can win imo.

It just ends the game with RA losing.

That’s where you’re right Sam-o. I’m going to use my life as a cold steel

We found the RA