SFM: Enemy Within 2 - UNATCO and Rogue Agent Victory

RA, mafia, Illuminati are all scum. I’m not disputing that. The exact scenario you are playing is what I called a tinfoil.

They just do lol. If I’m emotional, I don’t type that formal, I type impulsively with a lot of sass and mash the Caps Lock button a lot.

Because I called you out on how bad it was.

No, it doesn’t hinge on that premise. His argument that you made all fancy reads earlier and you end up with Gamer out of all people as the scum is startling.

You’re not answering the question. Why are you dodging it?

It’s a loaded question.

If I had all these confident ass reads, why wouldn’t my initial read of reading a cautious as fuck person as scum be invalid?

Is that the only game you played with Gamer?

Only game I’ve played with them wherein they were scum.

So you played games with him where he was town?

Forum Wrestling Federation

tfw Solic doubts your read on OTB but you’ve been in ten games with him and always called him when he was scum

Explain your read to me then.

Don’t use the ‘lol’ defense ever.

It’s fucking horrible.

In addition with the rest of the quotation, I had all the reason to keep on pushing Marl besides me looking like a fucking idiot for doing so.

Baz quite literally said “Geyde and Gamer are illuminati”

And you discard it as such because you can’t comprehend them not being RA.

H e
S l i p p e d
I n f o r m a t i o n
O n
R o g u e A g e n t
H e n c e
W h y h e
Q u o t e d
T h e
W r o n g
L i s t

Don’t nitpick something to discard the rest of what it says.

No you wouldn’t, that would look horrible after I pointed out how anti-town that is…

Sounded like a meme to me. @bazingaboy Clarify?

I can envision them being Illuminati 100%.

Assuming the NK win condition on RA is not so weird if he is literally named serial killer.

I still fail to see the point?

OTB has contributed too little for me to get a solid read and it’s too late in the day to switch and still be able to switch back.

Are you saying Gamer wasn’t cautious and not contributing a lot in this one?

Because the rest of it says it’s entirely your meta on determining it.

It was completely workable. I had the point of Why else would a bomb be on Marl, but relented because Bomber may just be an idiot / read Marl as RA

Yet you said that the point was trash


Can you like do something? You are literally throwing as town if you don’t comment on your wagon…

I think if Braixen flips mafia it outs Luxy as mafia

I want a Braix lynch today tbqh

I don’t know.

My ability to think has been clouded by the fact it is 3 IN THE FUCKING MORNING

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Now this is emotionally charged. :wink:
