SFM: Enemy Within 2 - UNATCO and Rogue Agent Victory

In case anyone is confused with my opening post with video clip and three different colored text is that it’s meant for respectful factions.

I don’t think about the Rogue Agent

We dont know if their mods or weapon gives invests and stuff

Soo yeah

Let’s be heroes, gods orrrr employee of the month. :thinking:


Three different transmissions.

@Wazza your reaction is mad defensive with an OMGUS vote on Marl please explain both the reaction and vote

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First of all, my reaction is because Marl knows me and knows how I act to being voted and they only said evidence against Solic and nothing against me but my own meme votes that I had to post myself.

Second of all, my vote is because they supplied no evidence, but Margaret has a point about them probably being stupid in this game and not evil but I’m still keeping my vote on them due to them trying to throw suspicion on me.

correction, not throw suspicion, point the finger at me

Those are the worst reasons, but keep distancing.

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Why haven’t you cast a vote yet?

They were the one throwing suspicion on you, not me, they just voted me instead of you because OMGUS without any evidence

What about my other questions?

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Plot Twist, Rogue Agent doesn’t exist :joy:

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Because look at this, they can customize their weapon however they want.

Also do they get 2 weapons or something because Weapon Choice and Mod Choice?

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It’s quite pointless to ponder it, seeing as it could mean literally anything.

Marg, if you are going to like my comments please don’t like then unlike them lmao.

Exactly, hence why I’m not looking for the Rogue Agent actively.

If we find someone suspicious, then we execute them. Its not that hard.

Unless the Rogue Agent kills multiple people in a single night, they aren’t all too important.

Blame my like limit if that happens, sorry


you also liked them again

So who do you find suspicious?