SFM: Enemy Within 2 - UNATCO and Rogue Agent Victory

Marl I’ll visit you if you let me live one fucking say. Jesus Christ I’m fucking tired of getting misylnched

I promise, Marl. I’m just tired of getting misylnched every forum game that I play because I have a different play style then other people.

And I guess I’ll claim because no one is gonna change their vote, I’m rogue agent.

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Hoohoo what a revelation. What are your abilities and win condition?

I have Body armor which allows me to survive one attack

My weapon choice is a Desert Eagle, which allows me to bypass night immunity

My mod is a suppressor which allows me to hide my visits

My win con is to eliminate all factions that seek to destroy me

Hmm so it’s different from what this says or it’s the same. You just worded it differently?

Yeah I just worded it differently

i understand it as the same, but different wording

Why would you choose this when there is only a single class with 1 use night immunity?

There is also no tracker class… The fuck is this Frost.

There is I messed up.

Because it will allow me to prove myself when needed/ if evils have majority I can kill their killing role


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I can’t confirm anything about it, check classes thorough

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What’s your second passive?

i think the body armor and suppressor is the passive, no?

This is the mod choice I assume. There must be one more.

Hey remove one kpn immediately


Easiest game

KPN that might also hit scum. :eyes:

Yeah but more likely to hit town