SFM: Enemy Within 2 - UNATCO and Rogue Agent Victory

I miss the twist in this bastard game though. I’m also sad to lose any associations from a lone scum flip, but I guess it’s nice that Illuminati’s flips would no longer be hidden.

It’s pretty mandatory that we Lynch braix here

If he’s not rogue agent, he’s scum

If he is rogue agent it’s our best case scenario

But if he is rogue agent my Luxy Braix theory doesn’t hold up

I’m not planning on attacking tonight for I only have 2 uses, do you want me to most all of my mod/gun choices?

/vote Braixen

Brb, gotta eat.

Yes, out all of it. :eyes:

Just saying you got voted for this sentence.

You didn’t vote him for his Rogue Agent claim…?

That is what I voted him for.

Since Mod/Gun ;-;

I mean I don’t stand in his way.

To be exact I lay in my bed rn, so I’m not even standing.

Rouge Agent is not my enemy.

What do you mean?


Pretty sure he stands in everyones way.


Desert Eagle [2 uses] - Breaks Night immunity
Snipr Rifle [2 uses]_ Your attack doesn’t count as visit
Knife [Infinite] - You loose your mod slot for infinite attacks
Uzi [3 Uses] - Basic Attack

Suppressor - hides visits
Extended clip - +1 use of weapon
Bullet noisel - Kills all players visiting your target but reduces your weapon uses by -1

This sort of does imply we can win with Rogue Agent sigh.

“Your objective is to eliminate all opposing factions that stands in your way”

I’m half sleeping and laying in my bed.
Aka I’m not standing.
Aka I’m not his enemy.

r/woosh, I’m sorry

Still an enemy, you scum.

Also hold up, I doubt you wouldn’t have infinite attacks since you are basically an NK, makes me more suspicious even though you outed as scum…