SFM Enemy Within Informed Spec chat

Now scum really need to think on this one to delay getting executed today.

Town is playing well socially.

Scum did play well mechanically (NSF did cover the murder on PKR with clean bomb after all)

so has eevee converted yet

Nope, he’s self-prevented three times.

I think Eevee wants to be cleared first and want NSF to do their dirty work of thinning out numbers.

Which worked, third time’s charm.

Min didnt trust on Leafia getting checked, but get fooled by Eevee (lol)

isn’t soul greenchecked

They are, they are accusing soul for Illuminati, not nsf.

Haha, Centuries is right for wrong reason

I think town is getting to understand the micromanaging of the action uses and its obvious bad they will be defenseless without one.

Side Note: eevee’s plan worked out which means Illuminati is on the open path to victory. :upside_down_face:

If they are giving ops bonus, it will be game over more or less.

That is unless Eevee mess up socially.

you didn’t make convert 2 shot
did you

They could convert two people in two nights. I like the slow approach.

did you include the shot/use thing for ops

Ops Bonus is unlimited.

Always has been.


Why wont you read the details informations at the beginning of the thread, it has all the classes and how they work.

because that requires i read

Someone is doing research! Insolence!

Second seed of doubt is planted. Good.

First one is hinting of NK’s existence but does not actually exist.

Okay here we go. Erika pointed out on Eevee what he succeeded where Leafia did fail by telling Min to check.