SFM Enemy Within Informed Spec chat

@arete What in the world is happening?

I am here as well you know. Some outdated info on OP need to be updated. So that’s done.

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Is something happening? I muted thread.

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Arete is locking and unlocking the thread over and over again.

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probably just a misclick

Oi! Just because the thread is moving to next Night phase while I am asleep IRL. Timezones sucked.

Frost needed me to unlock the thread so he could edit OP

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You can’t edit a locked OP? Then how does the Birthday thread work?

Well…there’s that and this and…

Honestly I wasn’t thinking of that.

Leafia has more or less spoken the last words. But thats not the reason I want it unlocked for the moment.


Have you been following who did the night killings of Night 2?


I muted thread a little before going informed since there were so many posts.

Just put it on Normal mode.

I will not.

@DatBird Can you please unlock the thread? I would like to start Day 4.

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where’d the nightkill disappear to?

Attempted on Amelia, got prevented. Not so tough without bombs and strongman are they?

Based Town Protective actually doing something for once. :upside_down_face:

Plus Min tries bioscanning Eevee, he used his last prevent.

This is paying off.