SFM Enemy Within Informed Spec chat

derps almost said kink
haha sex word

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Ban hammer incoming :eyes:

way worse has been said

Uh me? maybe :eyes:

Eevee is totally converting min.

I think he’s just going to lolcommute again

I low-key think eevee’s plan is to just … never convert

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if i didnt already god read eevee as exactly illuminati id probably be doing it even harder now

@Twil1ight @Frostwolf103 let us know when ur around for an unlock

Unlock, I will do the honours for today. :slight_smile:

it’s unlocked @Twil1ight


people this game really struggle with the concept of days ending

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thats going in best/worst forum quotes after game ends

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i wonder what eevee is gonna do tonight

I’m kinda wondering how people still tend to ignore some posts even though they were directly pinged. I know people don’t like to read still though…

i think leafia spewed whysper town in her post-mortem posts

Why does Surge keep liking posts while dead?

here’s the answer