SFM Enemy Within Informed Spec chat

Is there an ETA for game start?

Hey when are we gonna learn the class cards?

Ah yes, give me moment

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UNATCO classes


Mayor Class
The Diplomatic Face of UNATCO (Passive) - Your votes counts as two
Executive Orders (Passive) - If you got killed by player at night then the killer receives Ops Bonus action from you, if you got voted out then the players who voted against you then Ops Bonus action will be given by random player.
Ops Bonus (Night) - Replenish Player’s actions - Unlimited uses
Your objective is to eliminate all opposing factions that stands in your way

UNATCO Trooper

Vigilante Class
Act of Treason (Passive) - All of your abilities will be disabled and you commit suicide next night after killing a UNATCO player.
Shoot to kill (Night) - Kill a player. - 2 uses
Your objective is to eliminate all opposing factions that stands in your way

UNATCO Professor

Doctor Class
Diagnose (Passive) - You get informed the player you healed has the plague
Medpack (Night) - Heals the player - 2 uses
Your objective is to eliminate all opposing factions that stands in your way

UNATCO Specialist

Cop Class
Bioscanner (Night) You check player’s faction - 2 uses
Your objective is to eliminate all opposing factions that stands in your way


Watcher Class
Surveillance Camera (Night) - You watch who visit the target, your action does not count as visit - 2 uses
Your objective is to eliminate all opposing factions that stands in your way

UNATCO Enforcer

Bodyguard Class
I do not move outta way! (Night) - You stop everyone from visiting the target and you can remove the bomb - 3 uses
Your objective is to eliminate all opposing factions that stands in your way

J.C Denton (Unique)

Jack-Of-All-Trades Class
Give me some hardware (Passive) - When you receive Op Bonus, you will be awarded extra night ability in the following selection:
GEP Gun - 1-shot Vig
Multi-tool - 1-shot Cop Check OR Class Check
Medkit - 1-shot Heal
you must spend the remaining choices in order to use your previous action again
Infolink (Passive) - You can start conversation with the target during the night phrase with 2 1000-character messages each other, you and target get the message each time they send
Interrogation (Night) – You get notified of your target’s action including in the feedback:
Your objective is to eliminate all opposing factions that stands in your way

NSF Classes

NSF Leader

Godfather and Framer/Tailor Class
Ballistic Armor (Passive) - Death Immunity - 1 use
No Criminal Records (Passive) - You show as UNATCO when investigated
People’s Person (Passive) - You cannot become converted by Illuminati players
Propaganda (Day) - Frame the player tonight or you can choose to tailor NSF member shown as UNATCO tonight - 3 uses
Assignment (Night) - Appoint the NSF Member or yourself to perform the Factional Kill and a non-killing action - Unlimited uses
Your objective is to eliminate all opposing factions that stands in your way

NSF Lieutenant

Godfather and Framer/Tailor Class
Ballistic Armor (Passive) - Death Immunity - 1 use
No Criminal Records (Passive) - You show as UNATCO when investigated
Propaganda (Day) - Frame the player tonight or you can choose to tailor NSF member shown as UNATCO tonight - 3 uses
Firepower (Night) - The Factional Kill will bypass all actions and death immunity - 2 uses
Your objective is to eliminate all opposing factions that stands in your way

NSF Goon

Goon Class
Right Hand Mob (Passive) - You will turn into new NSF Leader when old NSF Leader dies and retain Firepower ability but lose Assignment ability
Firepower (Night) - The Factional Kill will bypass all actions and death immunity - 2 uses
Your objective is to eliminate all opposing factions that stands in your way

NSF Hitman

Janitor and Ninja Class
Assassination (Night) - The Factional Kill will be performed hidden - 3 shared uses
Preparation (Night) - The Player’s flip and logs will be erased in Factional Kill - 3 shared uses
Your objective is to eliminate all opposing factions that stands in your way

NSF Bomber

Bomber Class
Bomb has been planted (Night) - You place the bomb on target as factional kill, the bomb trigger when the player use night action or someone visits them next night, kill anyone in that vicinity - 2 uses
Your objective is to eliminate all opposing factions that stands in your way

Illuminati Classes

Bob Page

Cult Leader Class
Energy Shield (Passive) - Death Immunity - 1 use
Conspiracy (Night) - You convert the target to your cause - 2 shared uses
Enemy Within (Night) - You can use non-killing actions from other classes - unlimited uses
Heal action - Medpack (Night) - Heals the player - 2 uses
Cop check action - Bioscanner (Night) You check player’s faction - 2 uses
Watch action - Surveillance Camera - You watch who visit the target, your action does not count as visit - 2 uses
Prevent action - I do not move outta way! (Night) - You stop everyone from visiting the target and you can remove the bomb - 3 uses
Frame action - 3 shared uses
Tailor action - 3 shared uses
Your objective is to eliminate all opposing factions that stands in your way

Illuminati Senator (UNIQUE)

Mayor Class
The Diplomatic Face of Illuminati (Passive) - Your votes counts as two
Ops Bonus (Night) - Replenish Player’s actions - Unlimited uses
Your objective is to eliminate all opposing factions that stands in your way

Illuminati Commando (UNIQUE)

Vigilante Class
Shoot to kill (Night) - Kill a player. - 2 uses
Your objective is to eliminate all opposing factions that stands in your way

Illuminati Surgeon

Doctor Class
Diagnose (Passive) - You get informed the player you healed has the plague
Medpack (Night) - Heals the player - 2 uses
Your objective is to eliminate all opposing factions that stands in your way

Illuminati Analyst

Cop Class
Bioscanner (Night) You check player’s faction - 2 uses
Your objective is to eliminate all opposing factions that stands in your way

Illuminati Security

Watcher Class
Surveillance Camera (Night) - You watch who visit the target, your action does not count as visit - 2 uses
Your objective is to eliminate all opposing factions that stands in your way

Illuminati Men-In-Black

Bodyguard Class
I do not move outta way! (Night) - You stop everyone from visiting the target and you can remove the bomb - 3 uses
Your objective is to eliminate all opposing factions that stands in your way

Walton Simons (Unique)

Jack-Of-All-Trades Class
Give me some hardware (Passive) - When you receive Op Bonus, you will be awarded extra night ability in the following selection:
GEP Gun - 1-shot Vig
Multi-tool - 1-shot Cop Check OR Class Check
Medkit - 1-shot Heal
you must spend the remaining choices in order to use your previous action again
Infolink (Passive) - You can start conversation with the target during the night phrase with 2 1000-character messages each other, you and target get the message each time they send
Interrogation (Night) – You get notified of your target’s action including in the feedback:
_Your objection is to eliminate all opposing factions that stand in your way

Illuminati Undercover

Goon Class
Leadership (Passive) - Instead of turning into Supervisor as equivalent of NSF Leader, you turn into Morgan Everett
Firepower (Night) - The Factional Kill will bypass all actions - 2 uses
Your objective is to eliminate all opposing factions that stands in your way

Illuminati Assassin

Janitor and Ninja Class
Assassination (Night) - The Factional Kill will be performed hidden - 3 shared uses
Preparation (Night) - The Player’s flip and logs will be erased in Factional Kill - 3 shared uses
Your objective is to eliminate all opposing factions that stands in your way

Illuminati Demolitionist

Bomber Class
Bomb has been planted (Night) - You place the bomb on target, the bomb trigger when the player use night action or someone visits them next night, kill anyone in that vicinity - 2 uses, 1-night cooldown
Your objective is to eliminate all opposing factions that stands in your way

Morgan Everett

Cult Leader Class
Energy Shield (Passive) - Death Immunity - 1 use
Conspiracy (Night) - You convert the target to your cause - 2 shared uses
Enemy Within (Night) - You can use non-killing actions from other classes - unlimited uses
Heal action - Medpack (Night) - Heals the player - 2 uses
Cop check action - Bioscanner (Night) You check player’s faction - 2 uses
Watch action - Surveillance Camera - You watch who visit the target, your action does not count as visit - 2 uses
Prevent action - I do not move outta way! (Night) - You stop everyone from visiting the target and you can remove the bomb - 3 uses
Frame action - 3 shared uses
Tailor action - 3 shared uses
Your objective is to eliminate all opposing factions that stands in your way

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Can illuminati convert NSF?

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Yes, however it will be easier to understand some mechanics I post here


1 UNATCO Chief’s OPS Bonus will be displayed to feedback who receives this “You get rewarded with Ops Bonus”

2 UNATCO Trooper do not know the target they attack is getting healed or being immune nor prevented, when getting converted by Illuminati this will nullify the guilt

3 UNATCO Professor does not know they have successfully healed the target from attack

4 UNATCO Specialist can have the following “Your target is member of UNATCO” “Your Target is member of NSF” “Your target is member of Illuminati” or nothing when you get prevented, they will not know about framing or tailoring taking place on their targets

5 J.C Denton can’t able to figure Cult Leader mimicking non-killing actions, he gets the following feedback instead
Your target is investigating
Your target is attacking
Your target is healing
Your target is observing
Your target is blocking the door
Your target is giving Ops Bonus
Your target is fabricating
Your target is erasing evidence
Your target is planting the bomb
Your target is converting

6 UNATCO Enforcer will know they have dismantled the bomb on the target they have selected, should the bomb placed on themselves, they have to use the action on themselves that also work as hide action from other actions unless it gets bypassed

7 UNATCO Guard won’t able to see other players using watch action or by hidden attack and when their target is prevented by bodyguard, all visitors will be still seen trying to visit your target


1 NSF now works differently by selecting the first member for factional kill that won’t able to use their class abilities and the second NSF member can use to hide factional kill, bypass or clean the target to assist the killer, the second member will be seen visiting the first member

2 Should NSF Leader decide not to select second NSF member for factional kill then it’s proceeded as normal kill with no other actions taken

3 NSF Hitman knows the class flip and logs when cleaned, Hitman can also use their abilities to hide frame/tailor actions from Leader or hide their own visiting the first NSF member that will do the factional kill

4 NSF Goon’s firepower can bypass through prevent action, healing action and death immunity, it will not stop the disarm passive from prevent action by bodyguard

5 NSF Bomber is Factional Kill action and wait for several conditions to explode: The target use next night action (unless dismantling themselves) or players visit the target, however it will not trigger on all watch actions and infolink action from J.C Denton and Walton Simons. Bob Page and Morgan Everett can’t disarm the bomb however they get notified about the bomb without triggering it to explode

6 NSF is no longer restricted to Assignment ability when original NSF Leader dies and can do what they wish


1 Bob Page and Morgan Everett can perform non-killing actions from other classes, they can about to convert anybody except for NSF Leader

2 Converted UNATCO players have no different impact compared to UNATCO counterpart, aside from Vigilante Class no longer able to feel guilty

3 Any converted NSF players will able to communicate with other Illuminati members in separate private chat DM (or Discord as long the hosts are invited)

4 Converted members still have to follow orders from the NSF Leader until NSF Leader dies

5 When Illuminati converts NSF Goon turning into NSF Lieutenant because of NSF Leader dying, they become Morgan Everett

Also there is no Neutral Killer that spread the plague, what’s worse is that they are hidden NK.

what? So there is no NK, there’s just the plague?

@astand thank you for spreading unnecessary fear. The players get a seed of doubt.

In Deus Ex universe yes, but even there is no plague in here.

Imagine conversion being thrown out the window.

Which is why Eevee has most of town abilities in his disposal.


i was rooting for nsf too

I forgot that there is no D1 cuddle.

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Oh? Min doing research in enemy within?

OMG they’re gonna cuddle eevee D2. Oh frabjous day, callooh callay!

it’d be hilarious if eevee got stopped n1 and put on the chopping block day 2

does anything stop the Illuminati from converting an NSF member and just having that NSF member out all their old teammates to the court?

Do you mean outting yourself as Illuminati?