SFM Enemy Within Informed Spec chat

Why is min going to sleep at 11:30 AM?

I swear, it’s like I’m the only normal person here (if I’m even normal)

Because timezones.

Min is in the same time zone as me.

How do you know?

Flags? I think Min is lying xD

But power naps is a thing.

Min said so (they live in Vermont, I’m in NJ).

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I miss being in NYC. Luckily, I’ll be heading back today (temporarily, will go back permanently on the 22nd)

The only re-evaluation done seems to be on Min.

Pro gamer move is Derps killing Erika to prevent Illuminati gain vote majority. I hope he does that.

Name change? Suddenly you change your name after the Illuminati convince you to join them? Weird

Yes but it’s mirror of JC Denton like in the game.

Eventually named classes was not the most brightest idea I come across.

If town was merciless, they would have executed Eevee and PKR right here and then.

Eevee is misleading Erika, this is great :joy_cat:


I think hammer?

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Basically unless SDA and Soul both kill separate illum and illum don’t protect one of themselves, game is probably over with an illum win. I actually think it’s likely that eevee will chose protection over conversion, because there are 2 vigs this night with Derps having Ops.

I am looking forward what Eevee want to do next. He still has DI on him so he will be fine.

I don’t understand why they didn’t just go for Min, when it was relatively consensus they were converted. Town kind of needs NSF leader at this stage to combat Illuminati.