SFM Enemy Within Informed Spec chat

At least Derps is doing it :smirk:

I feel like Illuminati have already won.

Hmm not quite, Derps is going to attack Min and if Eevee does not decide to save Min again then he’s on his own again.

/convert ErikaFurudo

If they convert Erika, they have the votes during the day and they can refill the convert. Pretttyy strong.

Right now, Erika is for some reason giving ops to Soul again.

They think Soul really is Enforcer.

Town is royally screwed. Soul is going to attack Derps.

Unless Erika change their mind to give ops bonus to whysper instead, they’re done for.

whats eevee doing

I don’t know yet. he hasn’t submitted this night action.


What did eevee do?

He healed Min again, Derps is attacking Min. However Soul get to kill Derps.

Derps … didn’t update his logs. Wowee.

This shows town’s motivation to play - not gonna lie.

If they would vote eevee today it might actually still be interesting who wins. Don’t know if they have the fortitude for that though.

They’ll probably vote out Erika instead or something.

Yes. If they do vote Erika out, Eevee can still convert Whysper and not dying to Soul. Doesn’t matter if Soul attack Eevee or min at that point.

Soul is screwed the moment he kill Derps.

Illuminati put Min on attack mode!

Funny how all of SDA’s shots were prevented.