[SFM] Evolution Mafia [Mafia wins]

I kinda like Katze response here, but at the same time, I really don’t like post-hoc rationalization. Katze is a scumlean for me.

You can see how that’d be confusing. :eyes:

im not discrediting you for not picking up on something you feasibly couldn’t have picked up on

i play a very interesting game after all

i do, however, have doubts that you think those first two votes were memes but shrug

/unvote for now

i reckon saying “this is an actual vote disguised as a meme to garner your reaction” mitigates the purpose of the post itself but i might be misunderstanding where you’re going with this point

I am deciding between going to sleep or not are u going to write that wallpost now or later?

yeah gimme like 5-10 minutes

stop replying to me solic and jake y’all distracting me :angry:

My point was that there’s no difference between a serious post disguised in memes and an actual meme post.

Why meta bad, a very objective and correct opinion by forum mafia master katze

There are quite a few players I’ve noticed on this forum who have an overreliance for metareads, and while I don’t wish to name and shame - this game is not void of them. This on it’s own, in my opinion, is just a bad habit. It doesn’t improve your game at all to metaread someone because “oh, X only does this as town” it just proves you… know somebody.

I get why it’s a thing here, it’s not like the playerbase here is massive. But my history in playing games competitively has taught me that shit like this is just a shortcut, it doesn’t make you better. If someone is better than me at chess but I know how to counter them specifically, does that mean I’m some sort of chess god? No, it means I can beat one player who happens to be better.

As to why I think meta is bad, it’s a mild exaggeration due to my distaste of peoples overreliance to it, I’ll admit, but my argument of it being bad practice is one of my biggest gripes with metareads.

Reading a player and applying meta AFTER YOU READ THEM is a different story. If someone is doing something inherently scummy (eg. lolcatting) but it’s a player who does this all the time (yes, this is a self diss) then maybe you don’t take that read as seriously. But you don’t just completely discard it. If someone is doing something scummy and they aren’t known for doing it as town you maybe take that read a bit more seriously.

The biggest thing with meta is… I don’t think it’s hard to emulate a meta. I already stated earlier how I did this in ToS Mafia to get myself moderately townread by quite a few people (not everybody, but the main people SRing me in ToS Mafia were people who hadn’t played with me prior IIRC) and I believe this is what led to me dying N1. Although Jake is the one who stabbed me so if they remember why they killed me there then they could prove me wrong here, I suppose.

Even if not me, though, mindlessly reading a player by meta means that whenever they change their playstyle, they will immediately be locktown/lockscum for reasons that, if you don’t read their name next to their posts, wouldn’t exist. Reasons that are likely invalid.

I’ll end with stating that my mafia philosophy isn’t perfect, and my playstyle is a good representative of that. I’m no veteran, I’ve still played a single digit amount of (full length) games, but I still think “X is doing this so they’re town cause they always do this as town” is god-awful and needs to stop.

tldr: meta bad

1 Like

fair point but given my playstyle as every alignment involves me memeing a bunch i don’t see any reason for me to say “well this wasn’t actually a meme, it was secretly serious” unless it was true because… what do i gain exactly?

“I wouldn’t do X as scum, therefore X isn’t scummy”

i don’t think any of the quotes solic provided or my intents behind them are alignment indicative of me

i deliberately try to play in a way that my actions are rarely alignment indicative because of my distaste of meta

hence why i said before this game started that im gonna lolcat

because lolcatting is fun


Vote Count

Votee Voted by Votes
Vulgard PoisonedSquid, Jake 2
Marshal Arete, Hippolytus 2
Solic eevee 1
SirDerpsAlot Possessed 1
Possessed Icibalus, Luxy 2
N.1 Emilia, Vulgard 2
katze SirDerpsAlot, Marshal, Solic 3

i unvoted

@SirDerpsAlot why is your vote on me




/vote N. 1 would still rather lynch him today I think.

Going to bed now

Scum, you don’t need to kill me, because tomorrow my work week starts again and I’ll be way more MIA. :eyes:

since i didnt quote my unvote for you


if you’re not gone yet

what’s the case on N before i ISO them

Alright so the first part says how meta isn’t great because it is a shortcut I assume you mean something like cheat in a game

I don’t really agree with this I think knowledge of how to use meta is a big factor in meta reads ofc there would be exceptions where meta is obvious (since it doesn’t need further knowledge) but in that case the other option is just playing while pretending you don’t know something which sound meh

Second part is saying that meta can be easily emulated as evidence you present ToS game where you used it to make people townread you

I do not know specif of how it did work but there are obviously ways of someone using meta wrongly or meta read being wrong just like all of the other reads can be wrong similar argument can be made to other reads difference is that meta is bases reads about specific person while non-meta around idea of average player (cover more in response to third part)

I don’t exactly understand third part from what I see it says that meta cannot be used as strong read if it differs a lot from idea of average player game

I don’t really agree with that I think there are reads that are based around single posts that shouldn’t be considered strong meta reads however I think that there can be made strong reads based on tendencies players have especially if these are established for some time or unknown mainly because it’s hard to change how you play during long period of time