[SFM] Evolution Mafia [Mafia wins]

& :framed_picture:

WaIt I tHiNk I kNoW wHo GoT wHaT aNd WhY

That post I quoted is ici soft defending N1 right when wagon was starting on them that’s exactly something I’d expect from scum who prefers pushing mislynch rather than full deepwolf

I cAnT eXpLaIn BeCaUsE oF sCiEnCe ReAsOnS bUt ItS nAi FoR sUrE

If SoMeOnE eLsE fIgUrEs It OuT dOn’t SaY wHy

Can Katze explain the why part? Squid is curious as to why she got this specific post restriction

Katze ninjaed Squid :^)
What a meanie

Why am I the only one solving?


LeT mE rEpHrAsE, i DoN’T kNoW wHy PeOpLe GoT sPeCiFiCaLlY tHe ReStRiCtIoN tHeY gOt, BuT i’m PrEtTy SuRe I kNoW wHy ThE pEoPlE wHo GoT rEsTrIcTiOnS gOt ReStRiCtIoNs

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Why katze

Y mght tht B?

ReAd U fUcKiNg NeRdS



You have mech info on them?


LmAo IvE aLrEaDy FuLlClAiMeD aNd He PrObAbLy TrIeD kIlLiNg Me LaSt NiGhT aNd CoUlDn’t CaUsE i HiD bEhInD sOmEoNe

Someone tried to attack Katze last night despite their claim? Is scum paying attention to this game?

Can we get back to discussing ici

I sAiD mIgHt

SoMeOnE dId DiE tHoUgH sO tHeY pRoBaBlY dIdN’T bOtHeR wItH mE uNlEsS tHeY hAvE mOrE tHaN 1 KiLl PoWeR

Drps, :canned_food: Drps :memo:?