[SFM] Evolution Mafia [Mafia wins]

MoBiLe DoEs SuCk AnD i DoN’T tHiNk I cAn EvEn ImAgInE tHiS pOsT rEsTrIcTiOn On MoBiLe

PeAcE oUt I sHoUlD pRoBaBlY tRy To ReSt As WeLl SiNcE mY lEgS bEeN iN pAiN aLl DaY :eyes:

arete is 99% of the time only wolf in situations where i’m wolf
because they reacted in a pretty town way to me pretending to shoot them in the fucking face

You had the choice between a guiltless 3 shot nightvig and a guiltful 2 shot dayvig and you choose the dayvig. :man_facepalming:

That’d be a bit unfair to the players without a post restriction than imo. If this would be true, there is probably a fairly equal distribution in the amount of scum players that have and don’t have a post restriction.

That reactiontest was weak and not at all clears them… It was definitely not a bad response, but you think Arete wouldn’t see the 999th “lulreactiontest” coming. Oh please.

My PoE I had overnight was:


So I would like a shot in these, but would prefer if you waited more.

@Italy (goddammit I keep trying to ping Italy) is your shot instant or do we have to wait until EoD again?

Still had some time on my laptop, but must go now.

how was that weak

the command i used to stab marshal was duel, so “shoot” sounds like a pretty accurate way of describing my attack

There was zero buildup for it and sounded even pretty memey. I wouldn’t have been so phased by that.

i feel like claiming i was about to pull a pro gamer move was an acceptable buildup for a yolo shot

Okay, there was 1 post for it that didn’t even indicate you were going for Arete or the reasons why you would go for Arete.

I don’t think that’s clearing at all. I already gave reasons for why Arete is susp.

They steered the wagon away from N not once, but twice. Their reads have been questionable and they were one of the main pushers against Marshal who was actually pretty towny early. He just set himself up as mislynch bait when he started talking like a fucking jester.

you say you’ll figure it out but arete…
how do i put this
wouldn’t figure it out fast enough?

they thought i was softing duke in virtuous
i was softing plague doctor

So I’ve been trying to keep up on the post restrictions that most of us seem to have, and I actually agree with your assessment, Solic. I don’t think it would be fair to ONLY give town restrictions and it would honestly look bad for those who WERENT given restrictions if it was only wolves.

Current Playerlist:
Arete - Restricted
PoisonedSquid - Restricted
JakeTheWolfie - Restricted
SirDerpsAlot - Restricted
Italy - Unrestricted
Katze - Restricted
Emilia - Unrestricted?
Possessed - Restricted
Solic - Unrestricted
Eevee - Restricted
Icibalus - N/A (Hasn’t joined discussions)
Hippolytus - Restricted

So at MAX 4 people right now have no restrictions, and 8 have confirmed restrictions. Two restrictions are absolutely absurd (Whatever Eevee’s is and SDA’s picture only restriction) and could very likely be fake. Begs the question: Why fake a restriction?

The only plausible reason I could see of faking a restriction is that wolves weren’t given restrictions. I’m not sure if they’d be told about these occurances, but that should mean town are in the unrestricted. Italy was the first to claim unrestricted to my knowledge, so unless wolfteam was given info on restrictions…Italy should be town.

My readslist:

Arete - Scumlean (That Eevee CFD attempt was VERY bad yesterday)
PoisonedSquid - Townlean (Not Pocket Squid, just regular Squid…usually my easiest read)
JakeTheWolfie - Null, slight scumlean (Jake is always my hardest read because he acts scummy as both alignments)
SirDerpsAlot - Scumlean (Arete brought up an interesting point on a potential N.1 spew, but I have Arete in PoE so this flip depends on Aretes alignment; was also an early scumread of mine and hasn’t really contributed much)
Italy - Townlean (For reasons stated above, this is most likely town based on unrestriction)
Katze - Null (The vote on N.1 had me thrown for a loop because I was convinced that she voted off N.1 the prior night, but she could have just slammed N.1 for the bus cred. Katze is also claiming to “hide behind Vulgard” so that needs to be a big discussion point today)
Emilia - Null, Slight Townlean ( If the post restriction theory is correct, this slot is Town; also an early N.1 voter on D1 with Solic and Vulgard)
Solic - Townlean ( First voter on N.1 and has pretty much never changed positions)
Eevee - Scumlean (I have no idea what to make of Eevee’s plays this game, but they are weird; if Eevee is faking a restriction that’s even weirder)
Icibalus - Null, Slight Townlean (I’ve previously had this slot Town on behavior alone, but I think we need to really see what Ici does today to see if the meta behavior is a farce because Ici hasn’t really contributed much aside from a tunnel on me)
Hippolytus - Null (Why is Hippo being townread on meta behavior? This is why people do these dumb non-contributive meats…ill keep Hippo in PoE until they do something townie)

So if were talking shots, a good shot pool I’d say is in the Arete/SDA/Eevee pool. Arete v Eevee doesn’t appear to be town v town but I also can’t see them being on the same Scum team. Id likely recommend a shot on the obvious scum in those two, and if Arete is determined to be scum…SDA should be clear. An Eevee/SDA scum team is more likely.

I can /Vote as much as I want within my post restriction, but I’m going to try to keep my regular posts content-filled until we’re closer to EoD when I know I can use more and still fulfill my restriction. If you guys want to compile questions for me or want me to look into specific things, ping me and ill try to do it all in one post.

(Reference - Post 2)

/Vote Eevee

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can’t figure this out still
did sulit just pray to the heavens that scum would never take the specific path that i did or something

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i cannot conceive a world where “scum desperado” is a thing that exists
and yet there was clearly a scum killer flip and sulit said that all players of the same types get the same choices

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/Vote SirDerpsAlot

/vote Icibalus

/vote Icibalus

/vote Hippo
/vote Icibalus