[SFM] Evolution Mafia [Mafia wins]

Sure just for u I will

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Happy International Women’s day everyone!

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If you vote any women today its sexist.


i wasn’t really considering voting emilia, squid or amelia cool

also fuck there’s an amelia and an emilia this is going to be confusing

Yeah we shld lynch Amelia or emilia today.

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policy vig decided

Vote Count

Votee Voted by Votes
Arete Napoleon 1
Icibalus Vulgard 1
Vulgard PoisonedSquid, Marshal 2
Marshal Arete, SirDerpsAlot, Hippolytus 3
Solic Emilia, eevee 2
katze Amelia, Solic 2
SirDerpsAlot Possessed 1
Possessed Icibalus, Luxy 2

Why does every wagon poster have like…100 posts in this thread whyyyy

don’t you only need 2 posts to get a got-tier 100% read on people


i’d prefer it if you explained why you’re so certain derps is a wolf thanks

I have.

The opening is wolfy and the vote is indicative of a potential wagon shift.

If you don’t believe me, fine. I’m keeping my vote here until proven otherwise, though.

no no no
you were willing to ride or die
is that seriously enough reason for you to be 100% certain

I’m sticking to it. If I have to die for my read, so be it.

yeah okay good i’m 100% certain you’re a wolf
nobody preflips off of that

If that’s what you need to believe so we can progress this thread and find wolves, fine. You tunneling me isn’t it

I’m making you a wagon so I can move on and solve the game. 2 people is not a wagon. Why don’t you selfvote and rejoin your own wagon again?

I’ll self hammer today just for you.

In exchange! I want an apology the next day

aw thanks
it’s not like self-hammering is wolfy as fuck or anything since it inhererntly cuts off discussion time
but i appreciate cooperative wolves