[SFM] Evolution Mafia [Mafia wins]

no rematch? Weird

I set it for BO3, but it was one match.




i had two resonator calls, a reject reborn, a pot of duality, a creation resonator, and monster reborn
so only one useful card and i didn’t even have the cards to make it useful


Lmao xD

i had two mirror forces and two reject reborns

You lost connection

i was going to bait your aces and then summon R E D D R A G O N A R C H F I E N D back onto the field

Mirror force would do nothing, you are aware of it?

Goalkeeper saves only monster in attack position anyway.

Perfect aces were in defense position, lmao

The point of mirror force was to jebait you
i only had 2 rejects and i didn’t want you ace blocking me

I dont need to block mirror force if it does nothing tho?



Goalkeeper saves monster, you can’t kill it. The end of mirror force.


Hey Italy, there are 2 keys to defeating me.
First - each my monster is highly specialised and without one of them there is always some opening.

Only ace can negate cards effects. Only goalkeeper can negate monster death. Only slugger negates traps. Only blockbacker negates special summons.

Each of my cards has it’s own role.
You need to aim in the hole I have before I setup my defenses to be inpenetrable.

Also inpenetrable is not true - Each of negates is one per turn per each monster I have.

You need to double kill to kill neos.
You need to double kill to kill through goalkeeper.

You need to double spell to go through perfect ace.

You need to double special summon to go through blockbacker.


help i decided to play against a bot and they summoned blue eyes max in one turn

But if you activate a trap which kill a monster, I can block it with both Ace AND Goalkeeper, yes.

That’s why I said mirror forces are useless in your deck and to throw them away for mirror drowning forces instead.