[SFM] Evolution Mafia [Mafia wins]

theirs bot has strong carsd, but no synergy, lol

Oh and now I play vs exodia deck on bot, lmao.

Okay, nevermind, theirs bot is bad. VERY BAD



Lmao at this bot.

i think this is the game that rigs the bots so they draw the perfect cards
which of course means if you have an exodia deck one card will always be at the very back

i faced a bot twice
and it drew the exact same hand both times
two upstart goblins, and the exact cards they needed to ritual summon blue eyes chaos max dragon
the first time i didn’t see it coming
the second time i summoned red nova dragon and kicked it to the curb

Oh fuck, elementsabers deck on bot, now Im fucked.

There is few different sets for a bots Italy, not only one.

i know
they all follow an archetype


daily reminder

now squid is typing

is this the way to summon her?

Why are you reminding everyone of my demonic creation?


I was gonna ask everyone to get back on topic, but holy crap that thing scares me

is god in heaven because he, too, fears what he has created?

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Does this mean I’m a goddess? :thinking:


Bot reminded me of one quite fun deck, let me try to recreate it and lets see how your current one works vs it.

oh god

I’m ready



get a room, ladies

id rather we use the game thread to actually talk about the game >.>