[SFM] Evolution Mafia [Mafia wins]

This’d be a damn strong role for a single evo point.

WhIcH iS wHy I aSkEd ThE tWo PeOpLe I aSkEd MuLtIpLe TiMeS

sOlIc AnD eMiLiA, oNe Of ThEm AlMoSt DeFiNiTeLy HaS tWo PoInTs

It could only be hippo, emilia or…
checks list because blind
i have no clue who the 5th person was
oh right solic thanks kat

i guess it’s the fact that it can only give information to VTs or day-only players that makes that make sense? it still doesn’t feel like a plausible role for a villager to have

oh wait hippo didn’t get a point

Well, it’s not clear as to how points would be needed to reach this role, so Squid is sticking with her theory

me, marshal, kat
yeah there’s only 2 spaces


It’s like a free motion detect + poe of 3.
Yeah, that’s strong

are you caroler

it’s okay we won’t think of you any differently
you’re already pretty high on the wolves nightkill list if it’s any consolation

You know, however much I hate this, I’m still going to townread this ATE. Let’s hope they reevaluated it after Marshal flipped town though.

…? …??? Wait, the whole narrative was that SDA was bussing Marshal with their vote and now Possessed is harddefending Marshal and not voting SDA…? This must be late on the wagon I hope, but this SDA focus is honestly a bad look.

Going to say that ici/Possessed isn’t scum vs scum and it paints Possessed a little townier, because you can’t just be this genuinely offensive when you’re scum I think.

I had the exact opposite read on this situation with off wagon voters being town distracting away from scum being voted by the lesser wagons. It makes sense from Possessed’ town point of view that he’d not analyse it like this though…

This is a good observation to me.

I have no clue why Emilia would be scum here?? They pushed N a great deal and only swapped when I had swapped already. Emilia is towncore to me. Please reconsider that read.

I’m reading :upside_down_face: This is such a fucking town statement aaahhh.

Now that Marshal has flipped town, you can reevaluate this I hope.

This clown emoji is honestly pissing me off a bit (yes this invites people to use it against me lul) Don’t think Possessed would do that against a fellow scummate so easily. I’m not sure. This is a somewhat weak argument, but an argument nonetheless. :upside_down_face:

Possessed was pushing N decently day 2, but that means a lot less, because N was already quite a doomed slot from their day 1.

HMMMM Indeed. :eyes:

I feel like, with having knowledge that N was going to flip scum, this is such an odd statement to make. Very towny post.

Meh I guess they still tried to go for it.

PR it seems. I like effort on Possessed. Did they try hard as scum before? I don’t disagree with many reads here. Just SDA should be reevaluated hard here imo. My strongest argument there would be that the tunnel on Marshal does not make sense to be continued if SDA had TMI on their alignment after the Italy duel happened.

I’ll flip scum anyday regardless of what info they might provide. :roll_eyes: I like this vote though.

Possessed solid town. I’ll rank everyone I’ve ISO’ed later probably. I’m not sure if I’ll do everyone, because it actually takes a lot. Might just continue with PoE.

Your post restriction is referring to yourself in the third person? I feel like these post restrictions are very unfairly dealt out lol. :smile:

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god dammit katze now you’re making clown faces you’re making this really hard for me to not make more references

Squid has been referring to herself and others in the third person by now. How has it now so obvious this late into the day to require it being mentioned?

from least to “kill me”
hippo has to use at least (#) emojis?
arete must speak in caps
squid must speak in third person
derps must use pictures
kat has to alternate between lower and uppercase
jake can’t use vowels
eevee had to speak in poem (and isn’t a native english speaker)

HeLlO iCiBaLuS :clown_face::clown_face::clown_face::clown_face: iD lIkE tO pLaY a GaMe :clown_face::clown_face::clown_face::clown_face:

I’m catching up and haven’t read most of this day yet in detail, just skimming.

i’m actually disappointed that i didn’t get a post restriction because evo points are nice