[SFM] Evolution Mafia [Mafia wins]


just use the fucking chucklevoodoos on me and make shitty dolls appear in my dreams already

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Were these in order?

In one-word poem.
Poem using one word, aka weird word connection to create other words.

Obligatory @Hippolytus




Uuhh there is also the fact that you can use a day kill sooner and it influences lynch. And the fact that most disruptions like target getting healed or getting blocked are at night.

And how is your ranking now?

AlRiGhT, sO hErE'S tHe TrUtH bOmB

I never had a posting restriction. This was all a test because I had deduced that only people without an evolution point would get a PR, so me (someone who was modconfirmed to have at least ONE point) having one was to bait out a scum trying to fake one.

This post was me joking, but it was truly because I had no idea what the actual stakes were. I figured it wasn’t death so I pretended it was. Mostly so I could come back to it later as “evidence” this was all a RT.

As you can see, I was trying to make sure that anyone who had come to the same conclusion as I had kept their mouth shut for a reason. looks at Italy

So in comes eevee, with their proclaimed post restriction. It’s an odd one. The arguably most restrictive one of them all, maybe second to Derps. And the one that feels most out of place. Every other PR seems to be kind of similar to someone elses, except maybe Arete since mine was fake.

The thing that’s kind of bugging me is that I tried to signal to eevee to fake a post restriction, to further obfuscate the truth as to who got PRs and who didn’t. And when they came to the thread boasting one, I didn’t believe that they picked up on my signals.

This was my signalling to eevee:

And this is my confusion, because I didn’t think they picked up on my signal:

And they maintain that they had a restriction, but chose to break it. But they also said yesterday how they wanted two points?

On one hand their proposed restriction is… kind of ridiculous for a non-native speaker. Which is why I understand not playing with it. But… do I believe this ever even existed?

However, there’s one thing I said earlier I want to go back to.

This was all a test because I had deduced that only people without an evolution point would get a PR

Eevee HAD an evolution point. From the giraffe drawing. So this leaves two options.

Option A: Eevee was lying about the test, and chose not to reveal it was a RT. Why would eevee do this, what is their motivation?

Option B: My deduction was wrong, and only players who hadn’t gotten a point from the first evolution event got a PR. This is… possible? The three people who got points from the giraffe were eevee (0 points prior) me (1 point prior) and Marshal (1 point prior and also dead) which means that eevee would be the only exception… I don’t entirely buy it.

As to eevees supposed investigation result. Their votes prior to giving up on their “post restriction” do fall under the three people here, but nobody is claiming to give eevee this find.

Anyway. Using my mechanical deductions I’ve narrowed down the second winner of the popularity evolution point to be exactly Emilia or Solic. Using a bit of logic I can assume that Emilia won the point, and if I’m wrong, and Solic won, I’d be quite confused and assume there were some wolves responsible.

I do recall somewhere that somebody said that Emilia had softed invest, and if they have two points then the Caroler claim is plausible, but why would they pick eevee and not Italy who was confirmed to not visit at night? This doesn’t make sense. There is definitely info missing. I don’t get why a Caroler!Emilia would pick eevee.

I hAvEn’t DrAwN mAnY cOnClUsIoNs FrOm My ObSeRvAtIoNs YeT, aNd I hAvE tO gO fOr A bIt BeCaUsE iM hAvInG a NuRsE cHeCk OuT mY kNeE, bUt I tHoUgHt It WaS bEsT tO lAy ThIs AlL oUt ThErE


PlEaSe ReAd As MuCh Of ThE aBoVe PoSt As YoU cAn, I bElIeVe It Is ImPoRtAnT

iLl Be BaCk In MaYbE 20 mInUtEs

I don’t think N has a strong voice in a scumteam’s mechanical choices. They would definitely be one of the weaker slots considering their post count here as well.

Squid has been wondering the same thing this entire time


They hardpushed our only flipped scum maybe, Squid?

I feel better about Arete at the moment. This is pending their current reads however.

I feel like the VCA is very damning for them, but when I read their posts, there isn’t too much I disagree with. meeh.

Uhh…. this is referring to why people have townread Squid despite her begging for an evo point several times and not being memorable for anything else

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Oh I misremembered something completely there my bad.


This doesn’t add up other way around either.
People without points don’t always have post restictions either.

Like… Ici.

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unless they do

Oh but thanks for actually quoting that one.
Here you have me either trying to signal that POE should be Hippo / Ici.

I forgot I did it.