[SFM] Evolution Mafia [Mafia wins]

Vote Count

Votee Voted by Votes
Icibalus Jake 1
Emilia Derps 1
eevee Arete, katze, Icibalus 3
Arete Solic 1
Hippolytus eevee 1

Can you just give me like an hour. I really want to look into nappy/Jake and eevee actually too. You can die if this shot goes awry remember.

Like it’s either 2 town die or 1 scum is dead and we get another shot tomorrow. That’s fucking huge, so we need to do well on this decision.

a god does not fear death

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wait dont yet

i probably won’t i just wanted to make the reference

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eevee claimed TK remember? he also said he would take duesist and got evo point from paint event


did you really just make that reference

you edgelord

damn right and i’ll do it again
you only give me the power to make more references

This is kind of a reachy argument.

This is an overexplaining defense.

The rest of Napoleon’s posts are just memes honestly. meeh. I townread his casualty in thread at first, but now I feel bad about this ISO? I wonder if I’m confirmation biasing my own PoE, but not a great look now.

pulls out overpowered rogue weapon

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roll initiative

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I scumread players who do this a lot. They show that whoever they targeted is just selected by the dice. It’s an easy way to keep associations out. They realized as such and backtracked from it? I find this interaction hard to read.

Hedgey to a real conclusion…?

Defending N.

I could see this consideration coming from scum more than town. Scum has an easier time looking for “other scum”. Especially with Marshal acting like they did…

So they question Ici for their “easy” read on Hippo,

And then they go along with Hippo themselves. I don’t feel that’s very natural.

They also started growing the Amelia wagon I think, which would save N day 1 more (gotta check VC’s later)

Gotta say this is a townie statement. I was annoyed by eevee and Italy doing that too near EoD.

This is just stating the obvious. It feels like trying to get ahead of a NKA, which would damn Jake a little, since Luxy was scumreading Jake.

4 scum are coming for you…? Wtf is this post?

This is right after Katze claims a power role that can check people as well of sorts. Might be an attempt to pocket or a genuine read though. I felt slightly better after the mechanical bs Katze did too. Overall this makes me feel slightly worse.

Good vote, have to check VC’s later for when this is. It’s day 2, where N was already quite doomed however.

I feel like I’d be more sure of this if I was being pushed by Luxy…

:eyes: :eyes: :eyes:

Also that fucking white text is annoying as fuck and is making me want to suggest that as something that should be banned.

More defense on them.

Pretty towny statements.

I don’t know what to make of this interaction, but I think it’s AI nonetheless if someone can try interpreting this for me? I feel a disconnect between the 3 statements before a vote. Like a change in tone there.

Soft defending a vote N. It’s noteworthy that this goes on for a longer period than prior thought streams from Jake. They really care about this argument more. (because they are defending their :wolf: teammate)

I feel very bad about this slot atm. Definitely a shot candidate.

eevee faking a post restriction is a very bad look for them
ici hiding an evo point would also not be a good look but we can discuss that later

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How do you feel about Jake?

I’ll ISO eevee next.

real quick
what did you think he meant by four horses

jake appeared to defend N.1 quite a bit but the question raises, would he actually care enough to defend his buddies as scum :eyes:

It’s 17 players, so likely 4 scum. Like it feels like fucking openwolving. I’m just baffled at that, but it’s Jake.

You never heard of the four horsemen?