[SFM] Insurgency: Fire Emblem: GOHWT766FM DeadChat

Frankly I just want them to kill Leafia already.

Leafia’s language is stupidly absolutist.

Only wolves deal in absolutes.

Alice out her quoting Star Wars for her reads

200 IQ Tinfoil.

It’s a Marshal/Chloe/Leafia/App wolfteam.

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I’m making an NAI like to this comment

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The Marshal/Derps/Kyo fiasco has me like…

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Like, how the fuck are they not seeing V!Zone here?

Wolves don’t bother putting this much effort regarding maintaining their fake reads.

Then again, they ITA’d the designated d1 mislynch and the obv 3p and are letting a pair of wolves claiming masons go, so yeah.

Why the fuck would a red-check wolf shoot a buddy for towncred?

what i hate the most is that i never got to see gen 2 italy

marshal is the only person i want to win because he was the only one who respected the neut

Excuse me. I respected you!

you shot at me

You shot at me and I Fire back.
I shot at CRichatd twice.

also you made datbird do an oopsie
neutrals have to stick together

if i’m self converting is this a bastard game

All gen 2s of dead people will fip at Start of gen 2

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thank you dat
i felt left out and sad

dat is correct. We put a lot of work into every gen 2 card and we’re not going to just prohibit the dead ppl from seeing theirs.

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now give me likes