[SFM] Insurgency: Fire Emblem: GOHWT766FM DeadChat

your accusation of him gamethrowing for suspecting you to be scum is ad hominem and considered to be a poor move from both alignments because it’s just annoying, makes you look scummy as fuck, and is basically saying “by suspecting me, you are breaking the rules” which is just an asshole move no matter how you see it

would you have said i was gamethrowing if i tried to kill you suspecting you were scum

No again he actually fucking straight out lies I never call HIM out for gting he just quotes another message with the word gting in it and uses it to make me look bad

I call him a bad player not a thrower

gt sounded like “gamethrowing” to him
especially since you did say he was a gamethrower earlier

That’s the message

Like you can say me calling him bad is ad hominem but never do I openly call him a GTer

He DIDNT READ my message and just quoted “gting” to fit his agenda

pretty sure he didn’t insult you before you posted that

All I learnt this game is that I can make so many posts that are actually game related, if I don’t actually get read it doesnt matter.

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He told me to fuck off several time and I’m pretty certain the “You’re insufferable to play with” message comes from around that time

to be fair you were kind of screwed for attempting to antagonize the neutral
if it wasn’t clear there will be blood for my death

I didn’t even care about you dying when you were shot, I was fine with it because Lynch all neutrals when we have advantage lol but I wanted Zone dead

i was probably the character with the most swing here
if i survived to day 4 i literally would have changed the very outcome of the game depending on which side i was on

Hey yall reminder, like be fucking nice. so plz like dont be mean


Would have liked for that to be said when he was openly telling me to fuck off because I was defending myself but you werent there so its fine just sad

i wasn’t there because i was dead
it’s strange how it always loops around to one spot

I was referring to anyone not even the mod ure fine dw lol

5% or not, astra is an insanely powerful ability and just having it probably confirms tbe as town
but they’re gonna kill him anyways over my death

I am sorry if someone was mean to you, but again like lets keep this civil.