[SFM] Insurgency: Treason in Jugdral — Fire Emblem: Genealogy of the Holy War and Thracia 776 FM Game Thread: Game Over (8/24) — FINALE: Bow Before Loptous — The Loptrian Empire Wins!

Which is why I’m leaving the thread. But wolves like that rub me the wrong way.

I’ll spend the rest of the day backreading Seth, probably, but I think I have a good case on Vader right there and I want them lynched.

Counterwagons I will accept are Zone (my no. 1), Gorta, possibly Kyo. Wagoning Kyo could actually be pretty good, even though I’ve just said that he’s probably town.

Might change my mind depending on further discussion, but Vader needs to die. I don’t think I’m wrong about them projecting. There’s too much evidence for it.

/vote Zone

Caught up yeet

IDK kinda feel bad for the dude, I don’t know what I actually do to get people who actually hate me this badly, like I’m barely even known in the community yet I have people out here whose meta is death tunneling me every time I play with them

Last time someone got this angry at me during a Mafia game I was also town and they were also town

Dude proceeded to insult me, our LGBT players on and he ended up posting role PM in the thread :rofl:
One of my favorite mafia moments tbh, just because I mildly SR’d him

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I don’t actually mean to get people to tilt but there’s people who for some reason get tilted bc of me I don’t really see why I’m here to mostly have fun and I never really insult anyone unless they are insulting me / gting

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Like it’s just a game, you don’t have to get mad because I’m being me. It’d be like me getting mad at Zone, he’s doing bad plays on purpose but I reached a point where I laugh when I see Zone post he’s like a funny guy

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That’s a big oof Centuries. I don’t remember that incident, maybe it didn’t happen on this website?

Nah my main forum

Do not accuse me of gamethrowing. Ever.

Just don’t get why he went on a mission to get me killed, like he openly ignored Town Core’s instruction to not shoot outside PoE.

He’s just so sure of himself and his read for some resaon it’s just a so weird

You just quote a random part of my message out of context there lol

I feel like ur guys convo isnt rlly going anywhere and u should drop it.

why are you just quoting “gting”

Hah! Take your time, chap.
I will repair my awful shield back into shape!

Because I will not tolerate any fucker accusing me of gamethrowing.


i’m literally part of the fucking village core and have been since day 1

I try to keep my fucking cool, but I hate it when the wolves I’ve caught refuse to play fair and just go for bullshit discreditation over any actual strategy. It’s fucking awful. I hate it.

WTF do you mean I “toned down”, you munchkin?
Also, “the only one”? Out of all other 20 players, with at least 3 scum in it, you chose only me?

…why, I am flattered!