[SFM] Insurgency: Treason in Jugdral — Fire Emblem: Genealogy of the Holy War and Thracia 776 FM (24/24) Signup Thread- Accepting Backups

Insurgency: Treason in Jugdral — Fire Emblem: Genealogy of the Holy War and Thracia 776 FM Signup Thread

Hosted by @DatBird and @N.1.

Starts When Filled or 5/15

Rules and Punishments

Standard FOL/FM Rules

General Mechanics

  • Actions are done by messaging in your class card
  • Loptrian Empire/Mafia members will talk through a special Discord server or forum page.
  • There will be no logs but there will be flips.
  • Starting from Day 2, ITAs will be enabled. They have a base 15% chance to hit, but are modified by abilities and the Weapon Triangle, the Trinity of Magic, ande the Triage of Anima. To use one type /ITA Player and ping me. There will be a hard cap of 5 ita kills per day, and they will go away for the day. They will go away permanently at 7 players alive.
  • The host has a right to remain silent regarding any questions about the setup, passives, etc to stop angle shooting.
  • If anything broken is ever found, I shall fix it regardless of your complaints.
  • Bleeding, Poisoned, Injured are all interchangeable and will inform you how many days you have to live.

General Scheduling

  • Rolecards will be sent out within a day of the game filling. Confirmations will be done in the rolecards only.
  • The game will start both once all players have ‘checked in’ and confirmed their roles
  • Phases will be 48/24.
  • Lynches will be Majority & Plurality
  • Players should post at least 10 on topic and game related times per day phase. If this cannot be met for a particular reason, the mod should be informed in your role PM. Prods will be sent out in rolecards.

Game Specific Mechanics

  • This game is not bastard.
  • There is no conversion.
  • There may or may not be neutrals.
  • There may or may not be lost wolves
  • There are anti-claim mechanics.
  • Reasonable Action Resolution will be used to handle disputes on the same tier in Natural Action Resolution.
  • Only investigative roles and abilities will have feedback (such as being roleblocked / redirected) unless explicitly stated otherwise. They will not know who they were redirected to.
  • Speed is a stat every role has. This is a stat to help determine if some abilities proc
  • Money is a variable that every role has. It can be earned and spent at the store at night. Every time someone is killed their killer takes the cash, and in lynches the money is split between everyone on the wagon (except for the hammerer if the lynch death is via hammer with the hammerer getting all the leftovers). Also, all living players will be given a standard pay of 300 gold at the beginning of every day starting Day 2
  • The shop will be able to be shopped at, at night without any use of an action. You can only buy one thing a night.
  • Every Night there will be an Arena. There is a pay in every night to compete that might vary. You will unanimously fight in ITA sessions and the winner will receive a legendary weapon of their choosing as long as they can wield that type of Weapon/Magic.
  • There are some Universal skills that can be acquired through the shop, or start with them.
  • Legendary Weapons are only obtainable if you already own a normal version of the weapon (via staring with it or buying it) and win the arena. They usually augment your speed stat and give you specific skills
  • Every player has two class cards, one they get at the beginning and one they get in the second generation. The second-generation cards are usually net buffs to your character in some way. At any point during the day, if the second generation would activate, the day will end with a no lynch as all current warriors either fall, get injured, or take over the continent. Under 3 circumstances will the game go into the second generation: There are 12 or fewer players, Day 4 ends, and Two Role Specific abilities
  • This game’s ITAs will be affected by your weapon equipped. Look at the chart below for Relevance
Attacker(Below)/Defender(Right) Sword Axe Lance Bow Light Magic Dark Magic Wind Anima Magic Fire Anima Magic Lightning Anima Magic Stave
Sword = O X X = = = = = =
Axe X = O X = = = = = =
Lance O X = X = = = = = =
Bow O O O = X X X X X =
Light Magic = = = O = O X X X =
Dark Magic = = = X X = O O O =
Wind Anima Magic = = = O O X = X O =
Fire Anima Magic = = = O O X O = X =
Lightning Anima Magic = = = O O X X O = =
Stave = = = = = = = = = =

Base ITA chance: 15%
X = Not Effective (-5%)
O = Effective (+5%)
= = Normal Effective (+0%)
(Bows naturally have Wing Clipper skill as well)
by @Simon


Life Ring: Gives you the Renewel Skill 5,500 gold

Elite Ring: Gives you the Paragon Skill 3,000 gold

Thief Ring: Gives you the Thief Skill 3,000 gold

Prayer Ring: Gives you the Miracle Skill 5,500 gold

Pursuit Ring: Gives you the Pursuit Skill, 3,000 gold

Bargain Ring: Gives you the Bargain skill 3,500 gold

Knight Ring: Gives you a 5% increased chance to dodge after ITAing today 3000 gold

Return Ring: Return to the Castle unable to be targeted by ITAs, Abilities, or Votes for tonight and the following day 7000 gold

Beast Killer: Gives you the Beast Killer Skill to one of your weapons 3,500 gold

Wing Cutter: Gives you the Wing Cutter Skill to one of your weapons 3,500 gold

Armor Slayer: Gives you the Armor Slayer Skill to one of your weapons 3,500 gold

Axebreaker: Gives you the Axebreaker Skill to one of your weapons 3,500 gold

Lancebreaker: Gives you the Lancebreaker Skill to one of your weapons 3,500 gold

Swordbreaker: Gives you the Swordbreaker Skill to one of your weapons 3,500 gold

Lightbreaker: Gives you the Lightbreaker Skill to one of your weapons 3,500 gold

Darkbreaker: Gives you the Darkbreaker Skill to one of your weapons 3,500 gold

Firebreaker: Gives you the Firebreaker Skill to one of your weapons 3,500 gold

Windbreaker: Gives you the Windbreaker Skill to one of your weapons 3,500 gold

Lightningbreaker: Gives you the Lightningbreaker Skill to one of your weapons 3,500 gold

Animabreaker: Gives you the Animabreaker Skill to one of your weapons 4,500 gold

Weaponbreaker: Gives you the WeaponBreaker Skill to one of your weapons 6,000 gold

Magicbreaker: Gives you the Magicbreaker Skill to one of your weapons 6,000 gold

Sword Weapon: Allows you to use swords now 3000 gold

Axe Weapon: Allows you to use Axes now 3000 gold

Lance Weapon: Allows you to use Lances now 3000 gold

Bow Weapon: Allows you to use Bows now 3000 gold

Light Tome: Allows you to use Light Magic now 3000 gold

Dark Tome: Allows you to use Dark Magic now 3000 gold

Wind Tome: Allows you to use Wind Anima Magic now 3000 gold

Fire Tome: Allows you to use Fire Anima Magic now 3000 gold

Lightning Tome: Allows you to use Lightning Anima Magic now 3000 gold

Legendary Weapons
Name Weapon Type Blood Type Bonus Ability
Tyrfing Sword Major Baldr Plus 10 speed and gain the Miracle Skill when equipped
Balmung Sword Major Od Plus 10 speed and gain the Beast Killer Skill when Equipped
Gungnir Lance Major Dáinn Plus 10 speed and gain the Pavise Skill when equipped
Yewfelle Bow Major Ulir Plus 10 speed and gain the Renewal Skill when equipped
Valkyrie Stave Major Bragi Plus 10 speed and are able to speak to the dead at night when equipped
Mjölnir Thunder magic Major Thrud Plus 10 speed and get Armor Slayer Skill when equipped
Valflame Fire magic Major Fjalar Plus 10 speed and gain a resistance to all Magic damage when equipped
Mystletainn Sword Major Hezul Plus 10 speed and gain the Critical Skill when equipped
Gáe Bolg Lance Major Njörun Plus 10 speed and gain 10% ita chance while equipped
Helswath Axe Major Neir Plus 10 speed and get Sword Breaker Skill when equipped
Naga Light magic Major Naga Plus 10 speed and gains the Sol Skill when equipped
Forseti Wind magic Major Forseti Plus 10 speed and get WIng Clipper Skill when equipped.
Loptous Dark Major Loptous Plus 10 speed and lowers target’s ITA chance to 0 today when equipped

Adept: Speed% to activate to perform a second ITA on your opponent

Animabreaker (Weapon Specific): Weapon is effective against Anima (Fire, Wind, Lightning) Magic Units

Astra: 5% chance to get four more ITAs during the day after firing your first

Armor Slayer (Weapon Specific): Weapon is effective against Armored Units

Axebreaker (Weapon Specific): Weapon is effective against Axe Units

Bargain: Half off everything in shops and the arena

Beast Killer (Weapon Specific): Weapon is effective against Calvary Units

Bowbreaker (Weapon Specific): Weapon is effective against Bow Units

Charge: Gives you and your ita target another ita use. They cannot target you with their ITA until you fire your own. (Your speed - their speed %)

Charm: Raise a unit and your own ITA chance to hit and avoid by 5%

Critical: Raises Crit chance by 10% and if it hits within 91-100 then it ignores all other skills

Darkbreaker (Weapon Specific): Weapon is effective against Dark Magic Units

Firebreaker (Weapon Specific): Weapon is effective against Fire Anima Magic Users

Lancebreaker (Weapon Specific): Weapon is effective against Lance Units

Lightbreaker (Weapon Specific): Weapon is effective against Light Magic Units

Lightningbreaker (Weapon Specific): Weapon is effective against Lightning Anima Magic Units

Magicbreaker (Weapon Specific): Weapon is effective against Magic (Dark, Fire, Light, Lightning, and Wind) Units

Miracle: If an ITA lands. It will say “Hit! No one died!” and you will survive once. (One time use)

Nihil: Enemies cant use any skills when attacking you. Also, they are always at normal effectiveness or below

Paragon: All Monetary gains are doubled

Pavise: When shot, Speed% chance to not die by any hit that lands

Pursuit: Perform a second ITA on an opponent if your speed stat is higher than your targets

Renewal: Saves you from death at night (One time use)

Sol: Restores a use of ITA if it hits (Speed%)

Steal: On a missed ITA shot, take half of their gold on a (Speed%). They will be notified they lost gold at the start of the night

Swordbreaker (Weapon Specific): Weapon is effective against Sword Units

Vantage: If targeted with an ITA, fire back at the same time as the shooter, causing both, none, or one of you to die.

Weaponbreaker (Weapon Specific): Weapon is effective against Physical weapons (sword, lance, axe, and bow) users

Windbreaker (Weapon Specific): Weapon is effective against Wind Anima Magic Units

Wing Cutter (Weapon Specific): Weapon is effective against Flying Units

Wrath: If targeted by an ITA today and Survive, add 10% chance to land an ITA on another today. If your shot hit within 100-(number of shots against you)*10% then it ignores all other skills


This is a closed setup game.

Alliance of the Twelve Crusaders are the good faction. Their goal is: Defeat the Loptrian Empire and any Neutrals that seek you harm
Loptrian Empire are the evil faction. Their goal is: Gain Parity with the Alliance of the Twelve Crusaders and defeat any Neutrals that seek you harm
Neutrals, if any are present, will be assigned their own win condition not listed here

Example Rolecard



Never Punished, Armored Stave and Axe User, Alliance of the Twelve Crusaders

Weapons (Passive): Stave and Axe. He starts equipped with a Stave. Type /weapon Stave or /weapon Axe to swap to your other weapon. Weapons affect your ita chances, follow the weapon chart listed in op for more information

Lover of Blondes (Passive): Can only use your staves on Blonde characters.

Stave of Protection (Day): Target will gain your pavise passive and procs on your Speed Stat. (1 use)

Pugi Vouge (Night): Send this video in and a name of a player. They will be killed Guiltlessly. If they don’t die gain two uses of Pugi Vouge (1 use)

Pavise (Passive): When shot Speed% chance to not die by any hit that lands

Speed: 99
Gold: 85,500

Turns into Mekkah in the Second Generation

Defeat the Loptrian Empire and any Neutrals that seek you harm


  1. Marshal
  2. KyoDaz
  3. ClonedCheese
  4. ModeShifter
  5. SirDerpsALot
  6. CRichard564
  7. Italy
  8. Vulgard
  9. 意大利
  10. Hippoyeetus
  11. oB_L1ght
  12. an_gorta_pratai
  13. PokemonKidRyan
  14. Darth_Vader
  15. Alice
  16. Apprentice
  17. Icibalus
  18. EVO
  19. Evil_Ginger
  20. sulit
  21. Chloe
  22. Leafia
  23. TheBlueElixir
  24. Centuries


  1. Amelia
  2. Arete
  3. Maybe Napoleon
  4. katze
  5. Mist1422
  6. Maybe Simon
  7. Geyde


  1. Eevee
  2. Zone_Q11


  1. Astand
  2. Anstreim
  3. Maybe Napoleon
  4. Jane
  5. Torrential
  6. Maybe Simon

You DO NOT need to know anything about the game for this setup. But there will be HEAVY SPOILERS FOR FIRE EMBLEM 4 AND 5. If you play, spectate, or even follow this game from the outside, it will not be possible for you to go into either of those games fully blind in the future, ever.


this topic is



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Thank you fixed.

I’m cutting my FM hiatus because by the time I expect this to start school will be almost over

and this is a really hype setup

if I have any decline in mental health i’ll likely move to backup


I might in


Of course I have a damn exam the day the game starts

it hasnt started? this is just signups

I know
But the exam is on the 15th


wasnt a fan of fire emblem but fire enblem might be gooder


Well focus on that, missing a day of FM isnt that bad, plus IRL is always more important

Will in if I can later

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Yes I agree

well ty and chloe for finding a mistake of me rushing to set this up for signups lol


No matter my alignment I hope to power play

by being town leader or powerwolf

and probably get ITA’d d2

Well Ill be back later. Will update op then


do not sub me in without talking to me about whether I’m available



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that’s a massive op



I didn’t read anything, I just inned

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