[SFM] Insurgency: Treason in Jugdral — Fire Emblem: Genealogy of the Holy War and Thracia 776 FM (24/24) Signup Thread- Accepting Backups

SFV was a disgrace. We had a game-winning PoE but we lost because 3 obvious villagers were misvig’d for downright nonsensical reasons.


And I can confirm

Spec chat was livid at the detonations too :eyes:

vul if we’re villagers can we townlead this thing and actually do shotlists and force people to shoot in said shotlists


Inb4 you two die N1

I’m already pre-buddying vul

but I like playing with him

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although without arete in-game to stop us from tunneling each other we might do that instead :frowning:

The game is only 13/24 filled and you guys already have Seth, Derps, Kyo, and Dybu in the playerlist.

GL to you.


I respect kyo as a player

he isn’t really on the tier of the others IMO

He’s still kind of impulsive, tbh.

Wouldn’t exactly say as impulsive as someone like Seth

I mean yeah

He might go hero-shooty

but I think he’s on the impulsiveness level of me

who I absolutely am expecting to ITA a villager or two

I think Kyo is more than capable of toning it down when it matters.
He didn’t detonate anyone on impulse in SFV.
Granted, he didn’t have any time to do it, but you get my point.

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One day, they shall fear my wolfgame.
Until then, sure.

To be fair, I think I would encourage this regardless of alignment. Easy towncred.
Which doesn’t mean it’s bad advice.

Just because something is NAI doesn’t mean it’s always bad advice.


The mistake people made in Anime FM was not creating/following a list just because you encouraged it, while failing to account for whether the idea made sense to begin with. It did make sense. They could disagree with who was on the list, but the very idea of creating a list is perfectly acceptable and should be done.

Even wolves can say things good for town and help town without hindering their position too much. Excellent example: what Arete said about the mafia being the uninformed majority. Did knowing this help the village? Yes. Was Arete a wolf? Also yes.


I’m going to rand 10 slots that I care about reading and attempt to mostly ignore the others

join nerds ayaya

I’m not listening to that unless I actually townread you or like your reads lol.

well you are going to have to provide a good reason if you want to hero-shoot

Half the time poe is garbage and that’s why we lose.