[SFM] Insurgency: Treason in Jugdral — Fire Emblem: Genealogy of the Holy War and Thracia 776 FM (24/24) Signup Thread- Accepting Backups

well ok then :cry: .





350 post per phase limit
I s2g if you go over it I will end you

If I ever go over the limit in a game, end me because I’ve officially lost my mind at that point.

I don’t mean it just toward you
I mean it also toward the spamposters

use ur funny haha ita against them

And then proc Astra and get 4 more ITAs

then proc astra on those itas

Proceed to reveal your status as an nk with 100% ITA hit chance then dayvig the entire town

wait can that happen?

I thought astra could only proc on the first shot

you right, forgot the wording

this is totally not fuckin nuts

accurate to source material
although axes still need to weigh speed down to obscenely low values

Hm… welp. No reason for me to join then.

theres still reason to join, just one less eevee reason

How long will this game take to finish.
Asking for someone who’s interested in joining.

It could be advertised off site

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Like how long would you say this game will take to finish? 2 weeks?

like normal mash game lenght prob like two weeks or less