[SFM] Insurgency: Treason in Jugdral — Fire Emblem: Genealogy of the Holy War and Thracia 776 FM (24/24) Signup Thread- Accepting Backups

No. I’m just trying to help you balance the game.

You have 5 backups, but 0 frontups. So I decided to be one so it’s a tiny bit more balanced.




There he is!

well hello there

I’ve only impulse detonated Solic which was a while ago and it’s arguable that my delayed attack on Luxy was impulse because it had logic

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I’m still calling Darth OnlyA because that’s what I originally know him as.

My vigilante shots are really accurate for the most part, really
I shot 2 wolves in Deus Ex
I ITA’d Italy in Anime


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Pft. Amateurs. MU has literally “the longest game” and it is still ongoing because 1 phase lasts 1 year.

got ya, I would expected a frontdown but a frontup is good

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But… a frontup is just a player though?
Frontdown on the other hand…

You only shot 1 wolf in Deus Ex 3.

Oh no, now we need backdowns too.


isnt that what u wanted?

Teleology and Geyde, did I not?

I shot Geyde.


I remember I ran out of shots and I had 2 and I was a suicide vig
so I must’ve shot 2 wolves

KyoDaz - UNATCO Trooper
N1 - Alarmed (Killing everyone visiting me).
N2 - Shooting Teleology
N3 - Giving myself OP Bonus

Actually, wouldn’t backdowns be people who backed away from backup? What would frontdowns be then? People who sub out?

Isn’t backdown a person who backs down from the game? Aka person who subs out?