[SFM] Insurgency: Treason in Jugdral — Fire Emblem: Genealogy of the Holy War and Thracia 776 FM (24/24) Signup Thread- Accepting Backups

Still not embarrassed, plus you lost your “blackmail material” to force me to do anything.


Priestess, to maintain your vision of who Zone is I’d advise you not look it up.

…? You wanna say something or what?

I… support.

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Yes, blackmail is illegal.

I have exactly 0 vision of Zone, so that can’t damage it

@anon97870008, by all means, please look it up!
Also Kyo, what do you even mean with “vision of Zone”? I am infamous for being a Village Idiot; my reputation can only go worse!

Exactly @Zone_Q11

Don’t break law.
Don’t be blackmailed.


“Sure” you say, but it doesn’t change the fact that eevee attempted to do it at me literally a couple of minutes ago.

You’re literally asking everyone “hey, don’t break the law by being murdered, robbed, and/or raped”. :upside_down_face:

I mean, yes, if I was robbed, murdered or raped, the law would be broken.

I wonder if that can apply for nukes…?

So… Zone has an interspecies relationship with a cute little pokemon mod
I see


I should have taken this advice


Yeah, so you want to force everyone to go through some mandatory training for self-defense? …somehow, I got reminded of Korea.

No, it’s REVIEWERS not MODS.

All acusations has been denied by a mod.

…I really want you to look up what it is. I like the way you distort this topic.

isn’t Zone a minor

I really want you to not


at least use incognito