[SFM] Insurgency: Treason in Jugdral — Fire Emblem: Genealogy of the Holy War and Thracia 776 FM (24/24) Signup Thread- Accepting Backups


I got a task for you.

This guy wants to be tunneled.


Denied. He is not worthy of my tunneling.

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Sure, I will arrange some replacement for you if you are alive on may 25th.

I’m sure there are some communities which wouldn’t mind having 2nd representative in champs, so it should be easy to arrange one.



Hi chemist.

Uh… I can’t have this. I know another Alice from NUF.


against my better judgement, having skimmed the last 100 or so signup posts

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Chem, its safe to join. I’m not on playerlist :^)

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/out for now

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zone is scaring me in a completely different way than you do

also, seth

Zone is not playing.

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This is true.

but seth is

also I’m in multiple other games anyway so probably can’t super commit to this one

…I like men…

*thinks of NUF Alice*
…what about cats?

And I’m pretty sure Katze does to.
So I don’t know why someone thinks you and Katze should be Shipped.

I dunno. Ask eevee.

#BlameEevee :wink:

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it’s called a joke

no, it’s called eevee

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