[SFM] Insurgency: Treason in Jugdral — Fire Emblem: Genealogy of the Holy War and Thracia 776 FM (24/24) Signup Thread- Accepting Backups

Every character has lore-locked starting weapon type(s) which may or may not be altered in the second generation.

Only way to get access to more types is to buy them in the shop.


Aw… okay.

Feel like there should be a way to format shop and skills in OP more efficiently, since you basically buy skills in the shop… But need to search for what they do in a separate place.

But whatever, that’s too minor.

I also think every character in the game starts the game with at least one skill for free

We gave everyone starting skills that match the skills they have in FE 4 and 5 in-game, for free.

Flavor claiming is allowed?


Will it be AI?

Yes, to the max.



Ok, I assume there are enough characters for mafia to have fake claims.

I’m thinking more along the lines of infinite day flavorvig

which is still kind of breakable because you can force PoE to claim but idk

LOTR flashbacks

well originally I think it was gonna be how it was in LoTR, where flavor is AI but claiming is not allowed

but we’d probably get a few claims anyways because people don’t read

At this point you can just modkill people instead.

Lewyn is good and Travant is evil

Maf better hope they have FE expert in their team.