[SFM] Insurgency: Treason in Jugdral — Fire Emblem: Genealogy of the Holy War and Thracia 776 FM (24/24) Signup Thread- Accepting Backups

I think I got best title from people in htis thread tbh

chloe and I are confirmed masons

but Sulit you’re my Mason

stop saying Rem could be a wolf

she’s my Mason

Masons can’t be wolves

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How much people like a title is very subjective.

oops sorry chloe is my scummate actually ,arete and i are masons tho


I like mine.

And I like mine.

3 more, do i have enough for mass pingus 4 a new hope

…okay, I’ll be the evil man: Who else thinks that this guy won’t play the game?

:man_shrugging: we will see

if he doesn’t at least there are backups
but I can’t say im 100% confident seeing as that slot asked how to pay for the gamr

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i spoke with them

they were looking for the forums, not tol
should be fine hopefully


what the fuck

no why

now u gotta join


better get a soulread on me

no kat isnt allowed to join

why not reee

fuck you sister

you made me do this
