[SFM] Insurgency: Treason in Jugdral — Fire Emblem: Genealogy of the Holy War and Thracia 776 FM (24/24) Signup Thread- Accepting Backups

this is a mistake. All three forms of anima are disadvantaged against dark. Fixing now.

Well, it seems I will be busy in future. Sorry folks.


what about that the bow is shown to be ineffective against dark magic, as well as dark magic being ineffective against the bow?

Some people would think this is based on balance, but nope.

Purely based on flavor

that one was for more balance purposes. As Bow is weak to magic in game and strong against weapons usually but since there is five magic types classes I gave one to be weak against and it was dark as its one of the stronger groups so we made them ineffective to each other to each other

well gee you screwed up my refined diagram now. you happy? :angry:
(kidding, ill work around it)

Its basically in jugdral games there is no correlation between magic, bows, and weapons. Its just the three triangles (weapons, anima, anim/light/dark) independent of each other. So we made correlations based on balance and future games in series

just replace hidden weapons with physical weapons. And the dark and bow interaction for balance

If we went with FE4 flavor then light magic would have the same effectiveness sets as dark magic

also water magic doesn’t exist

my immersion broken
Light and Dark both don’t say fuck you to anima and for some reason just not cancel each other out

Fire magic doesn’t reduce your speed to like 3

im sorry to dissapoint, I tried adapting to new changes and old changes.
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I’m doing it in jest

I’m temtped to host FE:3H

Im down to help, was thinking multiball

I was thinking 12 VTs vs 3 goons.

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well that works as well. I was gonna try and get them all in

FE3H would be like a 40p mash

Obvious timeskip mechanics