[SFM] Insurgency: Treason in Jugdral — Fire Emblem: Genealogy of the Holy War and Thracia 776 FM (24/24) Signup Thread- Accepting Backups

expectations of the word matter otherwise u can say that there is no conversion and still have wincon changing abilities

ThE CoUntErplAy To BorRoWed TiMe Is tO NoT HoOk SoMeOne

You get my point.

I get what point you are trying to make

but you did not need to claim, and were told specifically doing that would result in negative consequences, and then did it anyways

I don’t think the players need to be coddled when it comes to that. You getting discovered is your own fault for not heeding the warning that arete gave

If I manage to make scum believe that I am lying about my claim when it’s truthful or being truthful when it’s a lie I should not be punished for it
That’s what automatic infinite anticlaim detectors do

Arete didn’t give a warning d1

that was literally the first thing I did


you claimed when it was announced that that was not a good idea. You should have been punished for it. It doesn’t matter what you were trying to do, it matters what you did. You claimed when it was known that would have a negative consequence, and then got a negative consequence.

Play stupid games, win stupid prizes.

yes they did. Almost immediately

Well if you did claim D1 it must’ve not been before I claimed

the expectation is most of the times that you can fake claim or fake fake claim




‘Syndicate is OP’ and ‘town played badly and deserved to lose’ are compatible and coherent positions

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no, it was publicly announced that there was anticlaim far before your claim

Oh yeah, and wtf Priestess’s fakeclaim was completely nullified thanks to Syndicate automatic claim detection

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but he really did claim

which is what he was told not to do

just because it’s not what you expect does not mean that alice was lying. It was fair, and the players misintepereted it, which is on them

Priestess’s whole claim charade should not have been automatically solved for scum d1 and my claim to mislead scum should not be given to them automatically either
That’s complete BS

Well obviously that doesn’t imply automatic anticlaim sensory that tracks visits now does it

but Alice

if I don’t soft how will I clear myself if I need to prove myself town by claiming???

uh, that definitely falls under it.

Lying Darkness falls under it
Did we expect that

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