[SFM] Insurgency: Treason in Jugdral — Fire Emblem: Genealogy of the Holy War and Thracia 776 FM (24/24) Signup Thread- Accepting Backups

“please make OP a wiki” works.

Please make the OP a wiki?

It is alerady a wiki for past few minutes.

Im a fucking idiot

got me good

Should I change my PFP to Batta the Beast
Yes or No


dybudabu dybudabu



God I’m so hype for this game

It’s a vul game


I sure hope you’re not gonna pull a JoJo and dayvig me 2 hours into the game.

Also I just realized that the characters translate to “Italy”

So I propose we call them italy2


:eyes: :eyes: :eyes:

Actually, :eyes: :eyes: :eyes: :eyes:, because 4 ITAs.

N should forceroll him a Gladiator, a dayvig, or a 100% ITA shot role.



Give him a role with Astra too because why not

Hi Alice!!!
And yes. I agree. I think the best one of the three is a 100% ITA shot role, potentially with Astra and insane luck. Melding with Amelia on that one.

Four ITAs.

Dybu (shoots town)
Dabu (shoots town)
Dybu (shoots town)
Dabu (shoots town)

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(For clarity, I’m not discouraging you from playing. I’m just exploiting the meme potential, as one does.)

That’s 5 ITAs

You get 4 after firing one

Oh yeah, the first one will shoot an IC.