the expectation is most of the times that you can fake claim or fake fake claim
‘Syndicate is OP’ and ‘town played badly and deserved to lose’ are compatible and coherent positions
no, it was publicly announced that there was anticlaim far before your claim
Oh yeah, and wtf Priestess’s fakeclaim was completely nullified thanks to Syndicate automatic claim detection
but he really did claim
which is what he was told not to do
just because it’s not what you expect does not mean that alice was lying. It was fair, and the players misintepereted it, which is on them
Priestess’s whole claim charade should not have been automatically solved for scum d1 and my claim to mislead scum should not be given to them automatically either
That’s complete BS
Well obviously that doesn’t imply automatic anticlaim sensory that tracks visits now does it
but Alice
if I don’t soft how will I clear myself if I need to prove myself town by claiming???
uh, that definitely falls under it.
Lying Darkness falls under it
Did we expect that
that was an anticlaim mechanic
it was powerful, yes, but not unfair in any right
everyone knows that wolves can’t soft, so softing automatically makes you locktown
They were strong, but not impossible to win considering the sheer amount of misplays BD did then.
that was fine and fair. It was only unfun because it ended the game and wincons didn’t say that it could spawn
Lying Darkness’s automatic bomb that also detected scum claims was not fair
Third party lie detector is not exactly a very balance-able role, tbh.
that doesnt matter we dont use words literally you cant blam it on them
you can say that the game is not bastard and host will not lie to you
then the game is actually what most ppl would consider bastard but they say> actually I didnt lie because I just gave results of pre made mechanics which were true and the game isnt bastard because in bastard game host lies to you but I didnt
conflating ‘Neutral Killer not accounted for in the win conditions with automatic perfect anticlaim that triggers on claiming even your vague role type, not your specific role, including claims from scum, and instantly ends the game upon a critical mass of claims’ with ‘anyone who claims allows scum to confirm their claim is true and track who they visit’ seems like a mistake