[SFM] Insurgency: Treason in Jugdral — Fire Emblem: Genealogy of the Holy War and Thracia 776 FM Game Thread: Game Over (8/24) — FINALE: Bow Before Loptous — The Loptrian Empire Wins!

i lost my place in my read for this??? I think at least one of those is real, though, if not the IC reveal.

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The first 3 are all true lol

yeah chief i’m going to need a bit more information that that

hippo is a villager by the way

Does anyone remember that time Htm was scum and about to get lynched, and his defense was unironically that he had revealed as Innocent Child a few days ago and no one had noticed.

That was literally his main defense, he kept on saying it but said that he couldn’t quite find the mod post to quote it but it definately happened.

Good times.

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fuck sulit’s in this game
i keep forgetting

doesn’t top “flow infiltrates our game, guy fakes Lying Darkness using his role, also DyubuDabu DyubuDabu” tbh


Have you finished reading up? What are your thoughts?

I don’t really have any concrete thoughts beyond “EVO lynch seems unconvincing”, to be honest.

I have some tinfoily thoughts about two certain players who are commonly villageread, but I’m nowhere near confident enough to actually post them.

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There’s no harm from making tinfoils and posting them.

Say them no balls

In this case there is.

I remember you did the same thing with sussing Arete but not saying it in Anime FM and u were mafia.

And then I said it cuz boss told me you said it in your neighbour chat and Arete killed me for saying it lol.

If it’s a tinfoil like (X) player is (Y) role.
Then yes, avoid that.

Otherwise I’m trying to think what could be bad…

Also for anyone that knows flavour, is there any scum character that makes sense for a thief?

I was right, but in this case I have a legitimate reason beyond “lol i’m too inactive to push the strongest living player in the game.”

Fine, but if thats the case idk whats the point in saying “I have someone to sus but i wont tell”.

I’m going to lightly agree with hippo here tbh.

Ici, if you have a tinfoil and you think it is important and that it would lead to a good lynch.
Then please start a wagon and explain it as long as it isn’t harmful.

Don’t tell me how to play the game. I know what I’m doing.