[SFM] Insurgency: Treason in Jugdral — Fire Emblem: Genealogy of the Holy War and Thracia 776 FM Game Thread: Game Over (8/24) — FINALE: Bow Before Loptous — The Loptrian Empire Wins!

Vulgard, why are you bringing up stuff from yesterday? It sounds to me that you just want to throw shade on a townie to save your scumbuddy. And Eevee, absolutely nothing you have done is townie in the slightest.

My shotlist after mode is dead is as follows right now


Vulgard has been doing nothing but throwing shade on me this entire game. There is no world in which I’m a wolf right now when I voted on Seth. If you’re claiming I’m a wolf you’re hardclaiming Seth is town.

reminder that if this flips scum then people who voted after Alice are HIGHLY suspicious

voted on evo i meant


I have finally caught up. There were nearly 300 extra posts since the time I started, but I did it.

/ita ModeShifter @DatBird


Looking for a replacement, first one to dm me gets it


Because day 1 matters?

…This is really bad reasoning, but I’m not sure if it can’t be TWTBAW.


god no
it can’t be true

I explained my PoV.

Why is scumhunting, succesful one to begin with not townie?
Why is trying to get redchcked person killed not townie?
Why is misunderstanding host not townie?

Like… reasoning, not just pure facts.

I like Marsh’s shot.
I like L1ght’s more though because well, I know he’s scum… so yeah.

am i…
just a neutral fruit vendor with extra steps?

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I have no idea. As soon as Alice dies everything goes absolutely haywire, people can’t read for anything and stick to linear reads such as ‘ITAing in events = scum’ which is completely stupid because I literally can’t gain gold any other way and I get an extra ITA for it.
You’re blatantly town and people are trying to get you hung, this has gone so bad they probably consider Italy to be town.
I’m town with my softs as my role is almost always town, why the hell would I ever decide to flipless kill Alice when she was the one that townread me and (Icibalus should be able to get it off of flavor as well)

Where did light shoot

Oh their it is I missed it



/replace in


  1. You get a base of 300 daily.
  2. You get gold for killing a player, so I assume ITAs would do the same and give the killer the gold
  3. You might have other killing power we do not know of or if you’re main faction scum, you could do factional kills for gold.



hi arete

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