[SFM] Insurgency: Treason in Jugdral — Fire Emblem: Genealogy of the Holy War and Thracia 776 FM Game Thread: Game Over (8/24) — FINALE: Bow Before Loptous — The Loptrian Empire Wins!

Scumlocked nerd

Light vulgard derps person with dog pfp hippo apprentice

chleb cheese

very incorrect


ah yes

you cannot get conf bias if you never make reads




Voted Votee Votes
chloe Marshal, Vulgard, ModeShifter, SirDerpsALot 4/13
ModeShifter Apprentice 1/13
an_gorta_pratei TheBlueElixir 1/13
Not Voting KyoDaz, ClonedCheese, CRichard564, Italy, 意大利, Hippoyeetus, oB_L1ght, an_gorta_pratai, PokemonKidRyan, Darth_Vader, Alice, Icibalus, EVO, Evil_Ginger, sulit, Chloe, Leafia, Centuries 18


it’s what we call chloe

Chloe the bread

You put me in the wrong category nerd

Im not getting a lot out of people yet

I will post reads before d1 is over

but Im not posting reads when only half the players have talked

do you feel unable to make solid reads as of the current posts or just like they won’t be very helpful?

You write a lot (;;;_)


why are we talking about pineapples on pizza again

and why are we at 600+ posts
im trying to study
AP test in about 2.5 hours
it’s gonna be hell once i come back ;-;

1 Like

Oh, typo.

confused sulit noises

Post reads when only half the players have talked.

Hes putting in a lot of effort from the very beginning. His tone is genuine and he seems motivated

And when pushing people hes actually providing reasoning and evidence from prior games

I like his idea of a traincore, even though it kinda went nowhere

hes also not afraid to call people wolf
like me, tbe, gorta, etc

How are we supposed to ping this dude? I don’t have the Japanese alphabet on my computer

none of this is remotely outside of my wolfrange

We don’t need to wait until everybody has posted- all that matters is we see your thought process on the people who are there. As mentioned, I believe introducing a huge number of reads in the same post is an awful idea, and it would appear that’s where you’re heading right now.