[SFM] Insurgency: Treason in Jugdral — Fire Emblem: Genealogy of the Holy War and Thracia 776 FM Game Thread: Game Over (8/24) — FINALE: Bow Before Loptous — The Loptrian Empire Wins!

Nah. I’ll 100% not even look up for your reads.

:fire: :sob: I told u not to do that nerd :joy: :100: :white_check_mark:

is this a hardclaim or a reactiontest

after sending marshal 3 messages pretending to be the lying darkness, the IRS and then just being italy
he is now flat broke and will be left in the dirt

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Cop who sees someone visit someone…
Arete, please.
Like… you shouldn’t even need to ask this.


is there a specific reason you’re assuming that the check has to be fake?

Read it again

ayaya @Arete

probably not but I haven’t actually read through all the things I can buy with gold so I don’t know how good they are

Since when do you think I care?
In fact, if it wasn’t for that fool, I would’ve probably toyed a bit with eevee before shooting him.

They’re claiming Cop
And have a Tracker claim on someone.
There’s a very clear contradiction.

Last I checked Cop was not Tracker.

:ok_hand: :joy: :gun:

Zone if ur town that’s pretty throwey behaviour tbqh

I still don’t understand… why?

Why was he confirmed scum after EVO flip and not T/T wagons?

Why does me not knowing this is scummy? Like… you suggest that scum wouldn’t know that there was some kind of EVO vs Mode confirmed T/S thunderome?
Why did PKR check someone who is confirmed scum?

I don’t get it.

Neither your reasoning nor what happened yesterday.

Well too bad for you. I am town.
Do you wanna fight me as well?

2 shots have been fired…

Both Miss!

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i’m 90% sure i become an infinite use rolestopper if i side town
buy me, i’m better than any item

Eevees town and kyos scum.

fortnite dancing on your failure