[SFM] Insurgency: Treason in Jugdral — Fire Emblem: Genealogy of the Holy War and Thracia 776 FM Game Thread: Game Over (8/24) — FINALE: Bow Before Loptous — The Loptrian Empire Wins!

if you text other guys

are not home by 9

or claim to be somewhere the tracker I installed in your phone says you are not

I am dumping your ass


…humu. Very well…
I suppose?

…wow. You really ooze scuminess.
First you started you can’t fight immediately.
Then you delay the fight, waiting for everyone to forget about it.

@Centuries, @Leafia, I have found your new bully victim. Go ahead and play with him.

I think im going to start entering arenas

otherwise its a waaay too slow money build up and ill just get killed and scum will snatch the money

my choices here are eevee, hippo and arete

arete didn’t consent but they’re literally too nice to refuse

I too would like to enter thy arena

i finally have the money to so i’m gonna enter the arena and uh
well, i’m probably going to curb stomp multiple people

ive done ISOs this game

I think 3 so far?

if you think im just delaying for people to forget your wrong

but I wont try to convince you, rather, anyone listening to you

imagine entering an arena and not spending all of your money on the lying darkness

couldn’t relate


The question is who has most money to donate :^)

Probably scum. Dont go to scum. Go to me. :eyes:

if you need money to win

isn’t that rather counter productive

a legendary weapon doesn’t really help you

I don’t know how to read you now that I don’t have meta that works :upside_down_face:

“Yidali” would be disappointed

If you want me to clear you you’ll have to do something more than being Zone-y

it gives me some speed
and i can get the miracle skill for more anti-ita power

Arete try looking at a previous town Zone game. That should help you solve his slot.

…how are you confirmed

Im glad that you asked, let me claim :^)

eevee is clearly about to give me 3400 gold

the problem is, he used to have a super distinct meta

but then we played a game off-site where he figured out how to replicate what he does as town, even though he was scum

so now it doesn’t work

Nah, I got thief.

I stole 1000 gold from missed shot on green.

I got something to spare pretty much.

I feel like i needa say something here

I wont


green is rich