[SFM] Insurgency: Treason in Jugdral — Fire Emblem: Genealogy of the Holy War and Thracia 776 FM Game Thread: Game Over (8/24) — FINALE: Bow Before Loptous — The Loptrian Empire Wins!

I mentioned this earlier


I dont claim miller theb.
Im not in danger anyway.

Especially since Im confirmed rn so /shrug.


And Im not lying, let me prove it.

/ita Arete

u used it already

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so what was this

judging by how strong it is it could help us determine how many scum there are

Don’t start a shade you can’t push.

Also, you can indeed not get away from these ITA-obsessed players.

Twice, actually. ISO DatBird for more detail.

Nonono. I already know that.
What I don’t understand, is him saying he plans to visit you N2. …unless I am misunderstanding something.

he wants me to only message him because he’s the only mechtown

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Im sure ill follow up later


even with god-tier setup analysation we would never get an exact number and this is a very useless conversation


even though “donate enough gold to fill the goal” is basically just “masonization without the chat button”


found this in your ISO

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yeah i’d appreciate if italy visited me and me only

if he survives to n4(or 12 people, or other mech conditionals) I can be sure he’s town.

Come to me, I will give you gold~

let’s say i get gold from arete, hippo and marshal
i robbed marshal of around 1600 gold
if they all are town and fill my goal, suddenly there’s 3 conftown

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he’s speedy

but marshal is like the abusive boyfriend who doesn’t want you talking to anyone


I don’t hate it

feel free to visit others

but… If there are inconsistencies I will fuck you up

define inconsistencies

@Italy visit me, I will give you gold.
