[SFM] Insurgency: Treason in Jugdral — Fire Emblem: Genealogy of the Holy War and Thracia 776 FM Game Thread: Game Over (8/24) — FINALE: Bow Before Loptous — The Loptrian Empire Wins!

I’m going to back off this for now, but Centuries needs to fucking die by the end of tommorrow.

Hold on, is Leafia clear because they neighbourised Apprentice?

Or more accurately, was that the supposedly “self-resolving” thing that they claimed? @Vulgard

Speaking of Vader, his slot always seemed off and never seemed towny to me. He doesn’t seem to be helping the town and is trying to avoid the spotlight.

He framed his outing as jailkeep as “Marshall scum hang marshall”. I think everyone is giving kyo wayy too much credit for that. A world where he knows it’s an fps and decides to claim jailkeep to shade Marshall definitely exists tbh.

Omg see I’m probably right lol

It’s taking me so long to read thread and its such a rollercoaster lmao

I mean has Vader been doing much other than well post then and there?

RT is basically just a cover up for “lazily thought out troll” now tbh.

This is really performative, but doesn’t actually say anything. “Don’t expect reads day 1.”

They also lean Seth town (?) for the thinnest reason I have ever seen. Not a good look here.

Throwing shade on a flipped villager who was also pro-town the whole game.

I’m skipping over the shitposting. It does look like Vader doesn’t care about reading people day 1, which isn’t a good look regardless of alignment.

Again, super performative for no reason. This guy isn’t doing anything to advance the gamestate, but they are framing it in a way that suggests it’s acceptable. “Look at me, I don’t care about anything, I’m town!”

It’s way too over the top, and because of that, it looks like it’s being done on purpose. I don’t really like the fact they only post something mildly reads-relevant when they are prompted and not by themselves. It’s like they are afraid of existing without other people to support them, which doesn’t really align with the “idgaf” attitude they are projecting.

Another “mildly helpful” statement based on prior experience, and again on a player who was considered wolfy. Vader isn’t really trying to be helpful, they just say a statement or two to the people they are familiar with and that is about it. Even if you don’t want to make reads, why don’t you engage with people? Somebody who’s performative should be ready to talk to others, but in this case, Vader isn’t talking to anyone. This further reinforces my idea that they are just projecting.

I feel like the only reason they are tunneling Vader is because they want to be townread for going against the consensus. The reasoning for the tunnel is basically “Alice is too towny, her early post was NAI and she’s not town for writing it, meaning she’s probably scum.” This is some uncanny leap of logic right there. The vote doesn’t even make sense if you’re trying to go against the consensus. I would understand things like deepwolf paranoia much better than… this.

Basically what I described above. Also, posting the reasoning separately from the vote, and after being prompted, is a bit scummy on its own.

Continued performative attitude. They are trying really hard to be like “well I’m voting someone who’s likely town, take that!”… I don’t think a villager ever thinks like this. Why does Vader even care about their appearance if they are a villager? They shouldn’t. But because this attitude seems like a projection, I think they do care. And that’s why they are wolfy.

Seth scumclaimed too and flipped red. Would be funny if Vader did too.

This post doesn’t really align with the perspective they presented earlier. All of a sudden, they care about reading the thread to some extent. Notably, it aligns with the day’s developments, which included putting Vader on most shot lists. I don’t think this is a coincidence, especially considering Vader’s followup.

They follow this up with actual engagement in reading. The performative attitude all but disappears. It’s like they felt the pressure and are now forced to do something. The strange thing is that it doesn’t align with their earlier attitude. They had a really performative beginning, but when they were put under pressure, it completely vanished. There is no performative element in these posts. The completely sudden transition further reinforces my point about Vader projecting earlier.

Villagers don’t really project. They act like themselves, most of the time.

Yeah, they actually care about who gets voted now, and about reading people.

This looks like an attempt to bring back the performative element, but it comes across as LAMIST. Their tone changes as well. This post comes across as far more hostile and less careless than the initial posts. Which, again, is more than likely the result of pressure. But, again, it is a really sudden change. This is no longer a post filled with overwhelming “IDGAF” energy. This is a hostile post which attempts to keep the performative element, but it just comes across as LAMIST because it’s a small wallpost that basically says “all I’ve done was towny and you’d be stupid if you scumread me, baka.”

Also, putting a note here.

This is day 2. Refer to my note just above.

These posts on day 2 render their post about “changing up the wagons, yadda yadda” completely meaningless. Evidently, the wagon “manipulation” didn’t give them anything. They wrote a post about doing the things they did on purpose so that the wolves would be under duress, but here they come on day 2 with (allegedly) no idea what to do. It’s like they didn’t actually care about the results of their actions earlier. They weren’t actually trying to make life difficult for the wolves. If they were, they would be trying to capitalize on the potential results here instead of pretending they don’t know anything, including the flips.

Which means that the whole post about “this isn’t my first rodeo” didn’t mean jack. They aren’t trying to solve the game, and their reads are not even evolving. They are being stagnant and ready to sheep, hoping that their self-awareness about sheeping will get them townread.

No evolving reads, just repeating what they have already said. Which is even more weird when you consider what they said about diversifying the wagons. If Vader was town, shouldn’t they have evolving reads right now? They tried to create more information, allegedly. Why are they not using all that information to obtain better reads?

Because they don’t care. Because that whole thing was a projection, just like their performative attitude.

Openly declaring sheeping, like I said above. No independent thought, which renders what they said day 1 meaningless.

Another long post which doesn’t say anything and doesn’t reach a conclusion. Quite notably, Vader refuses to clear CRich despite a consensus wolfread shooting him instantly when the day began. So this is actually rather wolfy.

Again, the self-awareness is overwhelming, but their attitude has changed a little. It feels like they are trying to buddy up to the townies now instead of actually solving. Day 1, they projected a performative attitude and made it a point that they were solving, in their own way. Today, they decided to abandon this route and they are trying to go UTR by sheeping instead. Which seems like yet another projection in the making.

Conclusion: Vader is a wolf who has no idea what to do in the thread, and so they project false attitudes in hopes of being townread - either by going against the consensus (D1 - it wasn’t even in a loud way, just there) or by sheeping consensus villagers (D2 - notable change of mind because we had our first wolf flip and the villagers are doing reasonably well).

If Vader did all of this as town, I will be baffled.

/vote Darth_Vader @DatBird @N.1 @Geyde

This flips wolf.

Ok so apparently I’m scum for using “you” instead of “Marshall”

We’re at this point of desperate lol also I don’t even call Marshal wolf if you actually quoted the entirety of my message you’d see for example a message in which I say I don’t know his alignment and I even called him town the majority of the time refered to him as “lying as town” for example.

Me calling myself “not not a townie” is just me typing at 6 am and if you actually went further in your analysis you’d notice I do a lot of grammar errors or even just spell word badly… I have like 15 posts which just exist because I don’t ever read my small post before posting it thus I have grammar errors inside of them…

You’re at the point where you’re tunneling me so much even bad arguments start to make sense.

oh fuck off
you must’ve noticed that that’s a gross oversimplfiication of my argument

my argument is that’s symptomatic of your weird reaction to Marshal’s RT- the phrasing is all over the place.

I was thinking similar this is a v good post

Damn all the poe are suddenly actually looking town lol

I’m saying that that’s indicative of you trying to cover all possibilities instead of genuinely believing anything you said, which indicates that you’re a wolf.

Yes… I think. That’s what I inferred, at least, hence my LW theory.

True, it’s not clearing on its own.

I don’t like Centuries tone-wise, but I had the same feeling about eevee earlier and they managed to improve. The difference is that eevee’s tone is evolving, while Centuries’ tone is mostly the same. Not sure what it means yet.

Yeah I wanted to see his opinion because I thought of many possible answers which would make him more or less scum depending on the answer because some of them would involve TMI

not fucking centuries
dude is obviously a wolf

Mister “You flip wolf 99% of the time” really isnt biased towards me as a person