[SFM] Insurgency: Treason in Jugdral — Fire Emblem: Genealogy of the Holy War and Thracia 776 FM Game Thread: Game Over (8/24) — FINALE: Bow Before Loptous — The Loptrian Empire Wins!

Free-flow means there’s a semblance of progression and it’s a legitimate thought process a human being could have, even if not very organized.
Random means exactly that – random. There’s no progression whatsoever, it’s just “doing whatever” without rhyme or reason.
I read random things as more wolfy because there is no definitive goal, and no intention of accomplishing anything worthwhile. No motivation to actually solve, but motivation to cause chaos and screw around.

Derps is going to be a mislynch wagon if it gains traction. It’s like Cloned 2.0. I actually saw something from Cloned which I’m pretty sure is his towntell, but I had to resolve the wagons anyway, and leaving him alive would be dangerous in case I was misreading him.

I think that isn’t the case, though…? As in, people are voting. It’s just a relatively small fraction of people that’s voting.

VC, please. @DatBird @N.1 @Geyde

Hm? But I remember Ici saying he scumread Darth, and voted them… I wonder what that was about.

Mmn… Pretty sure that my free-flow comes from random interactions, but okay.

I hope that Ici comes back to this thread in a better mood. That argument reminded me of ToS 2 and not for a good reason.

I know “chaos is good for the village,” blah, blah, blah, but I guess I subscribe to a different school of thought. I don’t think I’ve ever gained much of a benefit from things being chaotic. Wolves almost won the most recent game I played because of chaos. Maybe we just weren’t able to take advantage of the chaos as a village collective. (Wolves were the main reason that the chaos existed, but not the only reason.)

Any insights?

I should also note that CRich is one of the top posters, yet maintains a consistent tone throughout, and the tone is indistinguishable from the one he has in his town games. I really don’t think he’s wolfing. Occam’s Razor suggests he’s town, his postcount and tone suggest he’s town, he hasn’t done anything actively wolfy, and the damn openwolfer tried to kill him during this SoD. Yeah, I don’t think I am ever killing him unless he survives for way too long.

Like, if you’re saying that CRich is wolfing, you’re saying that someone who randed wolf here for the first time ever was capable of replicating his town tone perfectly for over 500 posts, and remained consistent throughout… and is also a highposter, despite the fact most newbie wolves don’t feel comfortable enough within the thread to highpost.

Ici is saying that Centuries is a wolf based on their reaction. I’ll read through their ISO to see if Ici is onto something there.

Who hasn’t itad?

No clue, I don’t remember the list but someone made one somewhere.

Well I’ve ITAd today and missed.

I ITAd Seth and missed.

Literally he ITAd you.
Then I instantly outed my red on him and ITAd.

I was the second shot of the day, a very very short time after Seth’s ITA

Chloe: “I’m doing a good job not hyperposting!”
Also Chloe: 2nd top poster.

@Chloe I love you.

Neuts out. Boom bye scum.
Seriously, I’m just really anti-neut in general. I would have no remorse even if it was someone like Arete or Chloe in that slot instead.

Of course. I actually want eevee to die too, since he claimed neut, but I don’t think we have the time for it today?

@DatBird @N.1 @Geyde Can you pull up a shot history too, or do we have to do it ourselves? I think it depends on the host whether they provide this or not.

The reason I’m not pushing it is because it’s goddamn eevee.

I agree that TBE’s shot on Italy is eh from an objective standpoint, but it did hit nontown and it was an Astra wasted on nontown. Could still be done for towncred, not gonna lie.
I really don’t see anything actively wolfy in what TBE’s doing, though. Someone who scumreads him should compare his posts to his town games for me, because I really don’t see it.

@Leafia does it ever specifically say the person you need to find/is paired with is 100% town? Or have u just assumed?

Considering we had an 8 v 8 town v scum yesterday we shld actually have a rlly accurate poe from eod vca yesterday lol.

What important info did I miss in my slumber

Time to get a good night’s sleep. Cya later everyone.

the thing was he had all my fucking toney

so he was a town member with extra steps

I vouched for him hard, told people why the shots were bad, and was basically conf!town.

now TBE killed a semi-town member and has all my money

and despite solving that italy was in fact what he claimed to be, investing in him, and telling people why I knew he was legit and why he shouldn’t be shot, he got shot anyways.

Maybe i’m pissed because im penniless
Maybe i’m pissed because I told TBE that that was a awful fucking shot
Maybe i’m pissed because I liked having italy around

but boy
I sure am pissed either way


so what you think that’s w/w theater?

add chloe in there too bb

any scumteam with me must include her