[SFM] Insurgency: Treason in Jugdral — Fire Emblem: Genealogy of the Holy War and Thracia 776 FM Game Thread: Game Over (8/24) — FINALE: Bow Before Loptous — The Loptrian Empire Wins!

No I don’t think you’re actually masons and I think Chloe is just being stupid town

is chloe modconfirmed town to u marshall or is it just u are modconfirmed town to her?

It’s possible but I’ll leave her out for now

> chloe claims 100% hardcore mech information that I am in fact town

so do you think she’s faking a green check or masons w/ me?

it’s complicated™

I will say that I think I will 100% know her alignment tomorrow.

do I know it 100% today? maybe.

will I know it 100% tommorow? yes

i think i trust chloe less than leafia and apprentice tbh

I think that we’re getting to a point of too many self resolving

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yeah my thoughts exactly.

is 4 really too many?

especially when both have xtra circumstances?

I trust app and leaf pretty strongly here

Hey guys, I’m super sorry I was gone for so long got really busy yesterday. I’ve got like 2k posts to read so I’ll see ya’ll in like an hour.

What if someone else comes along and self resolves with someone else? Theirs like an 80% chance it happens

Would you think at least one pair was fake

might be slightly skeptical

but it depends on my read of the pair

catching up

yeah I kinda thought, 'hey theres a death immune neutral, wouldn’t it be better if the neutral wasn’t death immune in case I dunno eevee is scum and eevee outdoes Marshal or something

I dunno I just didn’t think the neutral shouldn’t be death immune and nobody opposed

it was the 5/100 chance that I become a minigun and I forgot about it

aaah Italy’s death wasn’t supposed to happen

a neutral in a closed setup was 1 time ITA immune so I thought there was a 15% chance it removed a possibly lying neutral from being ITA immune which might help down the road or a 85% chance that it did nothing

and that 5% I forgot about had something to say


literally I asked and you just said that your okay with it and used :man_shrugging:

aaaah hrrg I didn’t mean to shoot a town

what does this mean

…you know how long ive wanted to vote him/shoot but I figured Id get bullets rained on for not being in the PoE but I guess I misread the situation oh right forgot about not shooting him for some sorta immunity

now this is a thing

and its picking up steam oddly fast though

you know

im just not going to write these claims down

I missed something

but anger is anger so its probably real

id probably join you if Chloe didn’t mech confirm marshal

imagine having the brain cells to vote before going to sleep

I tend to start abandoning logic the few hours before I leave

where have I heard that before

mullet flash backs

that’s what Kyo said

no its just what I call a bad plan

in a closed setup were…were doing this why

like, were deathtunneling again

don’t deathtunnel

though I guess a dome is a dome


so it was or wasn’t

cant really be both


I get it

I thought he was another mason but this is a thing too

believe it or not I wont read purely on meta(though some ngl)

your going p downhill though


I was kinda hoping people would forget and I could find some way to burn through the cash before I inevitably die

I liked cent, cent had a redcheck, I was hesitant, redcheck revealed fake, how is that scummy

p sure its a compliment that you were willing to shoot em

frankly I disagree with all those reads, but if you shoot eh ill probably shoot back

so im p much asking you to shoot me I know, you probably wont get any money from it either :^)

can I be a lost townie

aaaargh I so die tonight

so im just going to buy things or enter arenas

tbf he scumread me first

can I get a badge or something

Im going to ask you to remove this one, Ive townleaned the slot before and then they did some other towny things

see I kinda like light but I forgot what he’s done mostly

so you just listed some names

explain this one

ive kinda been using his activity and pushiness as a wolf tell

as town I think he just pops in to do something stupid but here theres a bit more

Like EVO? Centuries wants real hard to win this game and he’s quite frankly done a lot to get there and yeah, he’s upset that he’s getting looked over.


guess I defend him now

also in his ISO he calls me out as ‘are you unable to townlock? can you not have scumreads?’ so this stupid conversation isn’t necessarily w/w

see I liked sulit

I don’t like Zone

as slots not people of course

in what world

your head?


he’s arguing your points and has been under fire for a not significant part of the day, so yeah he’s defending himself

None of this is painting you as an illogical monster


course it doesn’t clear him

everything else + that clears him to most people though



that’s not even AI but villagers don’t have to respect your reads if they don’t believe that your a villager or if they disagree

they are not in the PoE

yes but them together do clear you

Heck, you fall into literally none of the categories yourself

I was very close to having another name


why am I never there for these things

thank goodness

ive got him above you

you do know cheese flipped town

cheese is always scummy too, and I agreed with his reads and wanted to see how they developed, ive said this before

yes, not killing is scummy


a 5% chance don’t get to excited

he was speaking to CRich in a few on them

gl because im going to jump on it if its not good

I TR Cent so your going to have to phrase it well

I care about my appearance

they were going to be town

astra isn’t something I choose

its something I forgot

and ive stated why I did it before


for the last god damned time

NONE of those things clears him, and I’d appreciate it if you didn’t just walk in and say “hehehe ici bad heheheheh” and just blatantly shadethrow me for an entire post. All villageriness from clearing EVO fades when his vote is on nobody at EoD. That’s basic vote reading.

If you’re hard defending the main wagon v but won’t vote the counterwagon or form your own, that doesn’t make you a villager just for defending the main wagon. There’s just like… none of those things indicate that Centuries is a fucking villager.

how does the fake redcheck on him make him more likely to be town either


I woulda done that regardless of what his alignment is

Ive been TRing Cent the whole game

if you don’t think that that clears him

what specifically makes you think hes scum


but you get the idea