[SFM] Insurgency: Treason in Jugdral — Fire Emblem: Genealogy of the Holy War and Thracia 776 FM Game Thread: Game Over (8/24) — FINALE: Bow Before Loptous — The Loptrian Empire Wins!

This was more convincing than ici calling him shit lol

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Here i go

I mean if it weren’t for your case I wouldn’t have found that

and I liked your case but that vote is really fucking damning

look i’m sorry
sometimes i can’t articulate my reads that well
excuse me for having my brain wired by a drunk brain surgeon

This list is not ordered.


Marshal (re-evaluate this later if needed, but I think he’s done lots of towny things this game.)
CRichard (same as above, but I really think he’s just town this game, Occam’s Razor yadda yadda.)
Vulgard (yeah. LAMIST.)
Hippo (I think he’s done too many towny things for me to ignore. The suspicions I had early on have disappeared completely by now.)
PKR (Thinking he doesn’t play like this as a wolf. Super loud about using his abilities in a suboptimal manner, the instant defaulting to ITAing his redcheck despite the fact Seth had Vantage… yeah.)
Icibalus (He’s pretty obvious town based on behavior and meta. We’ve also generally been on the same page.
Arete (Godread says town, and EG was towny too for multiple reasons. 'Nuff said.)


Kyo (re-evaluate later. I think his JK claim in response to Marshal’s check was >>rand town.)
Derps (I don’t think he plays like this as a wolf. He keeps on attracting attention to his dumbassery. I use the word “dumbassery” lightly, btw.)
Oblight (I really think this is town progression-wise.)
Apprentice (Looks really good based on VCA and deliberation on Seth.)
Leafia (If Apprentice is legit, Leafia probably is too. Re-evaluate later if needed.)
Zone_Q11 (Weakest lean here. Kill first upon re-eval unless Zone becomes townier than this.)
Chloe (I think she’s done plenty of >>rand town things, including her gambit and all. Re-evaluate if needed, but I accept this as town for now.)

Null Zone / Wolves:

eevee (I don’t really know at this point. Null. Also a neut claim, so I kinda want this dead.)
Centuries (I don’t like him tonewise, but I don’t really have a coherent case. Kinda weird he wouldn’t vote at EoD to save his partner, but it’s not clearing. Might just sheep Ici on this read in the end.)
TBE (I’m kind of in a weird spot on this guy. Need other people’s input. Thinking he’s the most likely to flip V in this entire group, but the shot on Italy looks weird, because it seems like the shot was taken for towncred.)

Darth (There’s a reason why I’m voting there and why I dunked on this slot. I think it’s a projecting wolf.)
Gorta (Kill this. VCA and his handling of Seth’s slot (and cloned and EVO) make me think this is absolutely a wolf. There is no way a villager unknowingly makes so many mistakes in such quick succession, and gorta is undoubtedly self-aware regarding his progression on people.

Lock it in.

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i mean if he is scum ur still the one who caught him so gj lol.

I’m only okay with a Centuries lynched if we all collectively bury Gorta and Darth tomorrow. Read my cases on them in my previous posts if you wonder why I think they are going to flip red.

it fits in with my point about Cent ticking boxes, as well. That unvote feels like classic “Okay, I have finished my distancing, now if you’ll excuse me I have Other Things to do” rather than a genuine unvote, even if it wasn’t damning VCA-wise.

see but he literally did that

it wasn’t a vote, he didn’t have the progression for it, but it was an unvote and it did save mode.

No was he gets away with voting EVO after calling it a bad scumlead wagon. But maybe he thought he could sqeak that unvote by like solic did for me d2 of SFoL53

thinking this lives for now and we reevaluate tommorrow
flips should be important before deciding if he can just die or if he Can Die

and actions speak louder than words

and I am not a huge fan of his actions here

actually scratch that
my brain was wired by an advanced form of the Zephrys The Great algorithm from Hearthstone

That’s actually super true. And let’s take into consideration his fearmongering about deepwolves / towncore bad. Considering how my reads are turning out, unless I’m wildly incorrect, then he’s likely to be a wolf just because he has that POV.

yeah im good with burying gorta and darth

prolly rather darth first but both are fine

as i fucking said
he’s obviously a wolf once you actually think about him

he’s gotten by because he’s been ticking the boxes for level 1 reads really easily, but if you dig into him he just falls apart

goddamn kyo with his dumbass jailkeep

this lynch would have been way easier without him getting in the way of my FPS :wink:

I was probably going to shoot him night 1, because he seemed strange tone-wise and he also appeared to be posting just for the sake of… posting. Not really shaking things up much.

But I’m not a vig, so.

Yeah, this seems perfectly fine. Let’s run train.

@PokemonKidRyan omg we’re neighbours again