[SFM] Insurgency: Treason in Jugdral — Fire Emblem: Genealogy of the Holy War and Thracia 776 FM Game Thread: Game Over (8/24) — FINALE: Bow Before Loptous — The Loptrian Empire Wins!

If you want a less hedgey take from me then you should know that I have been saying that something is off with Kyo for a while now, even after everyone else said “Kyo locktown”. I correctly read Kyo in SFoL 60 before subbing in and I kind of get similar feelings now.

Go to bed already…

Welcome to the club.
I’ve been reading this from my first readslist.

If you flip town Gorta, then we’ll put Kyo in the PoE.

I have had people call me scum for saying something about Kyo isn’t right.

I’m trying! It’s not easy

I don’t think that’s why you’re scum.

eh probably, i think im being overly paranoid too and shld probably fallback on my reads from SoD.

Why do you think I am scum?

Because one of them is your scumbuddy, I assume? Or do you have a proper reason to defend them?

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Your reliance on Meta, hedginess in general, not all the time, lack of analysis and even your shot can be explained as being scummy.

I do however admit that the latter, the shot, was justified if you are town because cloned was PoE. This is just a note.

fair. I think imma /vote gorta actually. Vader is more likely town of the two and we shldn’t let paranoia get to us.

I will flip town, but I don’t know what to do at all.

What a convincing argument.

I don’t remember the CC at all. When was this? Can somebody quote this?

@PokemonKidRyan, what do you think of this?

For starters, how about turning off your electrical devices, or at least put them away?

I’m also bleeding and I need healing.

I need healing.
I need healing.
I need healing.

Mada mada.


Alright, alright! We get it!
One question though; suppose there are no doctors, what would you do?

Darth claimed jailkeep in response to kyo claiming jailkeep on marshall in response to marshall fps on centuries.

in short marshalls fps on centuries (a town) either outted 2 jailkeeps for no reason or a scum and a jailkeep.

if it was 2 jailkeeps for no reason then gj marshall, yay reaction test. but i do think kyos scum and darth isnt scum with him.



I do rely on meta a bit much and I have been a bit hedgy, but I am not scum damnit. I wish I could have posted a bit more content, but I have been going through several thousands of posts at a time before I could even post. I guess what I am trying to say is that after working through 1-2k posts the motivation to make tons of content isn’t always there. Do you get what I mean?