[SFM] Insurgency: Treason in Jugdral — Fire Emblem: Genealogy of the Holy War and Thracia 776 FM Game Thread: Game Over (8/24) — FINALE: Bow Before Loptous — The Loptrian Empire Wins!

i just say chinese italy

it’s what the name is in roman characters and it souns like a plausible name for an FM player
although thanks the the translation module I now have activated on this site, it translates to Italy automatically, so on my end there are two Italies

i’ll get him to use my pfp so you get even more confused

also your usertitle translates to Italy, so your profile looks like this to me:


i know it does

it’s literally italian for italy if i remember correctly

yes, i gathered that
but that means that if you wrote 意大利 it would be user Italy, with subtitle italy, with an italian flag, posting the word italy

this is only on my end
but for one day and one day only you can fuck with me using translatable words

it’s the italian hat trick

PKR you have to realise that when I woke up that there were 1500+ posts for me to read while I was sleeping. Chloe’s trial happened while I slept. That’s why my reads were done without Chloe’s trial.

It’s fair! But it’s just why you’re a 6 and not higher.
I’d like to hear your take on the trial when you can :slight_smile:

Yay vader yay

So we start off with an actual good opening, this part bugs me off because it’s putting a lot of trust into others

Big agree

That’s actually an interesting meta point

I don’t really like that post because it feels like he’s forcing a “there’s no way a player could not be scumread by anyone” but it’s too early for him to say that, I still think it comes from a townie POV but its weird

also we should note that Ici ModeShifter and OBLight (idk how I’m supposed to call him) called out this post for being dumb/called Alice villager

This is the post that starts out a lot of fluff thus kind of wasting time

[x] Doubt (perhaps)

Okay cool

LOL @SirDerpsAlot

I think it’s weak reasoning to vote Alice but then I’m the one saying that so lulw

This probably becomes more important down the line

That’s the goal of Alice’s post but yeah

Probably not the correct person to do that onto

This also exists

Definetly makes him sound like more of a VI than an actual wolf which is good

So basically I think he’s probably Villager and that if he’s scum he has so many posts that are just out there that it probably gives us a lot of information

But yeah @Darth_Vader I’d definetly like context on the actual Leafia meta, when does he(she? dunno) like to OMGUS, as scum or as villager?

What do you think of Alice now, has your read evolved on her? What do you think of Leafia and do you have any other read (SR or TR doesn’t really matter)

Ok, so if I’m not doing what needs to done on Day 1, then what is one supposed to be doing?

Day 1 is good for two things.

  1. Fucking around and getting to know who you’re playing with.
  2. Forcing players to team up or take out each other, which will be useful down the road.

First, I will get more serious when there is more to do. Second, right now I’m diversifying the playerbase by voting someone who is thought of as a townread. You don’t have to like it, but you do have to acknowledge the strategy behind it.

If you have A thru G and they all sheep off onto one person, it’s ridiculously easy for a wolf to blend in with the sheep. If the sheep split up, it is unclear what the wolf should do and then the wolf tends to make mistakes.

This is not my first rodeo.


Yeah this post exists but when I saw it I thought it had too much emotion

something something we could just lynch a wolf d1

Definetly good to quote I just didn’t know what to do with it when I first saw it

Do you think Wolf would’ve made this case on Alice?

it’s a copypasta now, for us pro gamers who love diversifying the playerbase
also nah vader is prolly v

Chloe’s reaction during the trial makes me think she is town. I note that my town reads voted to pardon Chloe and my null/scum reads didn’t pardon her. :thinking: