[SFM] Insurgency: Treason in Jugdral — Fire Emblem: Genealogy of the Holy War and Thracia 776 FM Game Thread: Game Over (8/24) — FINALE: Bow Before Loptous — The Loptrian Empire Wins!

this game is probably going to become some meme because “there’s two of them now”

If the game becomes a meme, I’d hope its for good reasons. Unlike ToS 2.

/Vote Italy

You’re one of my lowest reads (4). I want to see more actual content and reads from you.
We have a lot of time left in the day, get to it.

At this point, I think whoever is null/scum read and didn’t pardon Chloe are the slots that should be focused on for scum hunting.

have we gone over the fact that threats and bluffs don’t work on me yet

I put someone on trial.
Don’t think that I do threats/bluffs.

It’s not a threat Italy. It’s a request to help the town out. If you’re town, every bit helps.


you can only use one ability per day
i know the rules

pkr it was a very suboptimal trial

i haven’t commented upon it but trialing chloe was pointless, especially since you all but outed that you did it

It paid off.
Chloe turned her thinking around and we got to discuss stuff.
I didn’t want to have to use my ability but it was the best of a worst situation.

you did not fucking have to use your ability

… K

you had no reason to because you were barely being pushed and 2/5ths of the village core think you’re lock village
there was no threat to your life

all you’ve done is made yourself become claimviggable

I had to do it.
You don’t get it.
I didn’t do it for my own f’ing benefit.

if it was a compulsive ability targeting a consensus wolfread was just about the worst thing you could’ve done

What? How so?
I thought it was a good idea.

choose somebody in PoE but out of left field and the villagers have to think, and you get legitimate information. choose somebody who is consensus w but in a weird spot, and people will all mass pardon, as they did.

you should have waited and targeted somebody like EVO or Lefia, or really anybody who isn’t Chloe.

plus you fucked up by not allowing marshal to cover for you but whatever