[SFM] Insurgency: Treason in Jugdral — Fire Emblem: Genealogy of the Holy War and Thracia 776 FM Game Thread: Game Over (8/24) — FINALE: Bow Before Loptous — The Loptrian Empire Wins!

Wait where is this?

Did you ask again? I answered one of them

Don’t know, maybe I missed it. Happens to me a lot.

Also, Italy is the perfect vig target tonight, if we have a vig who failed to shoot last night.

Ive answered a few people on this

is the utility of my class not clear

I can go find my answers but i’ll be a few

took a look at where the wagon composition of the cloned wagon ended up going to try to figure out if there was a concentrated effort to save him

the biggest thing I’m picking up from this is that the outed wolf was voting him at EoD

other than that … the votes on the cloned wagon seem to have scattered onto many different wagons, which makes me think that the push on him was largely driven by town (since it doesn’t indicate a coordinated agenda)? kind of a thin read but it’s what I have

You surrendered your life when you hardclaimed neutral.

god damn
you could at least be patient enough to let me take a side first

This is another horrible reaction test

you surrendered yours when you challenged the neut that could ita you up to four times a day

Vote Count

Voted Votee Votes
Mode Icibalus, Chloe, Leafia, PokemonKidRyan, oB_L1ght 5/12
Centuries Zone_Q11 1/12
Cheese Hippoyeetus 1/12
Not Voting Marshal, KyoDaz, ClonedCheese, ModeShifter, SirDerpsALot, CRichard564, Italy, Vulgard, eevee, an_gorta_pratai, Darth_Vader, Apprentice, Arete, TheBlueElixir, Centuries

I feel like I missed one @ me with mistakes/future votes

I don’t see why some of these are bolded and some are not…?

why do I feel like you having a redcheck is a reactiontest

If this is a reactiontest I will personally go to scotland and suck your toes individually


those were people on the wagon probably


I bolded the people who were on the cloned wagon at the height of its peak (as far as I could find, might have missed a VC where it was higher)

It’s because I’ve started to trust you a bit more and I definitely trust Derps a lot less than you. Also, Cheese is the one I trust the least right now and since you shot at him, I’ve decided to give you the benefit of the doubt right now and I don’t want to just random shoot, since if I just randomly shoot Derps and he turns out to be townie, I’ll look even worse than I had been looking. Right now, Derps looks scummy to me, but there’s still the possibility that he’s town.

In case you missed it, I’m gonna /ITA Cloned @DatBird again.
Unless I’m ITA-blocked for today? That would be… interesting.

You missed my vote on Mode ~~and I did ping you nerd~ @DatBird

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