[SFM] Insurgency: Treason in Jugdral — Fire Emblem: Genealogy of the Holy War and Thracia 776 FM Game Thread: Game Over (8/24) — FINALE: Bow Before Loptous — The Loptrian Empire Wins!

Did anyone except me give a reason for swapping their vote?

That’s disgusting. Oh my lord.
Claim who you have redchecked

yeah 1 sec

are you 100% sure you think a vig should kill me tonight, before i’ve even picked my side

what made you trust Vul more? like half an hour ago you were shading me for calling him town


Kyo/Marshal never W/W.
Lock it in.



at this point the scum know it could be literally any one of them besides anyone who’s godfathered/immune

I like the fear I instill on them b4 i crush their spirit

probably? I remember Alice saying that Cloned felt like the designated mislynch based on how all the PoEish people were piling up on them, don’t remember what anyone else said

are you 100% sure i should be vigged
100% absolute

I’m of the opinion that SDA is town, honestly. That FPS was absolute shit. He “claimed” in a game with anti-claim. I honestly doubt a wolf would have drawn that much attention just to go back on it, anyway.

Shot fired and Missed

Yes. Die.

ITA machine broke

and what will you do if i survive tonight and you’re suddenly trapped with an angry neutral who can ita 4 times in a day

can some1 update the ITA chart or should I

Leafia, ITA Cloned. We need Cloned and Mode to resolve. By dying.

@Apprentice You too if this fails.

i assure you i will shoot you because my life currently takes priority
i lose if i die before i have my side